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词汇 the week
例句 Sunday is the first day of the week.星期日是每周的第一天。The trial is expected to last until the end of the week.审判预计要持续到周末。Doctors are reserving judgement on his ability to travel until later in the week.医生们要等到这周晚些时候再决定他是否适宜旅行。The offer is only applicable for flights during the week.这个报价只适用于本周内的航班。The highlight of the week was Saturday's fireworks.本周的亮点是星期六的焰火。The talks are set to continue through the week.会谈很可能要持续整整一周。Phoebe boards here during the week and goes home at weekends.菲比平时在这里吃住,周末回家。I remembered that we had drunk the last of the coffee the week before.我记得我们在一个星期前就把最后的那点儿咖啡喝完了。As a dedicated sportsman, Steven trained every day of the week.史蒂文是个敬业的运动员,一周七天都在训练。Doctors are reserving judgment on his ability to travel until later in the week.直到本周晚些时候医生们才会对他能否出行表态。She stays in the city during the week.工作周期间她住在城里。If I've read the situation correctly, we should have some agreement on the contract by the end of the week.如果我对形势的看法正确的话,周末前我们应该可以就合同达成某种一致。I'll give you a buzz later in the week.我这周晚些时候给你打电话。We don't go out much in the week.我们周一到周五不怎么出门。I like to go to bed early during the week.在工作日我希望早早上床睡觉。Local electricity companies say some homes won't be reconnected until the end of the week.当地电力公司称一些住户要到周末才能恢复供电。I have to get this homework in by the end of the week.这周末前我必须交作业。Some churches have found it profitable to hold services during the week.有些教堂发现在非周末的日子举行礼拜大有益处。For the time being he can stay here, but I want that dog out of here by the end of the week.他暂时可住这儿,但我希望那条狗在周末之前离开。They can work night shifts during the week and very easily switch back to a daytime schedule for the weekend.他们周中可以上夜班,这样一来他们在周末就可以毫不费事地重新按白班的工作安排来走。Last week she was in Paris, and the week before she was in Rome.上周她在巴黎,再上一周她在罗马。Amanda was refusing to give me the week off so I went over her head and spoke to the boss.阿曼达不批准我请一周的假,于是我就绕过她直接跟老板说。Please turn your old parking permits in at the end of the week.请于本周末交回旧的停车证。The bond market closed out the week on a strong note.债券市场本周以强势收盘。Tina's outburst was a delayed response to her husband's behaviour the week before.蒂娜的感情突然爆发,是对前一周她丈夫的行为迟来的反应。I was the new kid on the block, having just been hired the week before.我是新员工,前一周刚开始上班。The restaurant's so-called specials can be ordered any day of the week.这家餐馆所谓的特价菜在一周任何一天都可以点。A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.进城住一晚或许有助于消除一周生活的单调。The Ethiopian is aiming to produce his second record-breaking run of the week.这名埃塞俄比亚选手的目标是在本周第二次跑出破纪录的成绩。The weather may turn wet later on in the week.本周后期可能会下雨。Temperatures remained high for the rest of the week.那一周余下的几天里气温仍然很高。He was so ill we wondered whether he'd see the week out.他病得非常厉害,我们不知道他是否能熬过这个星期。It was wet and windy for most of the week.本周的大部分时间都在刮风下雨。By the end of the week, I had my part off pat.到周末时我对我的角色已经了如指掌。I am a better chess player than he is any day of the week.我的棋艺怎么说也比他高明。School finishes at the end of the week, and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned.周末学校就放假了,对我来说放得越早越好。She struck up a close friendship with Desiree during the week of rehearsals.在排练的一周里她和德西蕾建立了亲密的友谊。The quote of the week comes from Mae West.本周引言来自梅・韦斯特。There is a 25 percent discount on all electrical goods until the end of the week.周末前所有电器商品全部七五折销售。We get paid at the end of the week.我们在一周的最后一天发工资。




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