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They would never have got into power if the whole thing hadn't been rigged.如果不是有人在背后操纵,他们是不可能上台的。Suddenly, Sarah felt rotten about the whole thing.突然,萨拉对整件事情感到内疚。A crumpled sheet had jammed up the whole photocopier.一张皱巴巴的纸把整台复印机给卡住了。When I logged off, the whole system froze up.我退出时,整个系统死机了。His new book made the whole literary world sit up and take notice.他的新书使整个文学界刮目相看。This theme runs through the whole book.这个主题贯穿整本书。I spent the whole morning sitting around waiting for him to call.整个上午我就坐着等他的电话。The tornado rubbished the whole village.龙卷风毁掉了整个村庄。We thought that he disliked her, while the whole time he was in love with her.我们以为他不喜欢她,然而他一直都爱着她。She read the whole book in one day.她一天读完了整本书。He described the whole accident thus and thus.他如此这般地描绘了整个事故的发生经过。Nick was a pain in the neck. He did nothing but whinge the whole trip.尼克是个非常讨厌的家伙。一路上他除了不停地发牢骚就没干别的。The sheer quantity of text meant that people did not read the whole of their newspaper.他们的报纸文字多得令读者看不完。As the sun went down the whole sky became suffused with a red glow.当太阳西沉时,整个天空布满了一片红色晚霞。He lounged away the whole night in the bar.他在酒吧打发了整个晚上。He said that the whole world must unite to fight terror in all its forms.他说全世界必须团结起来,与各种形式的恐怖活动作斗争。The MP was accused of bringing shame and humiliation on the whole party.这位议员被指责给全党带来了耻辱。The government has mishandled the whole affair.政府对整个事件处理不当。The book guides you through the whole procedure of buying a house.这本书可以全程指导你买房。Not a soul got back; the whole issue were done in last night.没有一个人活着回来;昨儿晚上全都完蛋了。The violent revolution upturned the whole country.这场暴力革命使整个国家天翻地覆。The express aim of the treaty is to keep the whole region free from nuclear weapons.这个条约的明确目的是实现整个地区的无核化。The next few months could be critical for the whole mining industry.此后数月对整个采矿业可能具有决定性的意义。On the whole, I'm happy with the way I look.总体来说,我对自己的外貌比较满意。One careless move loses the whole game.一着不慎,满盘皆输。He said he had doubts about the whole enterprise.他说他对整个项目心存疑虑。I knew the truth the whole time.自始至终,我都知道真相。He seems to have washed his hands of the whole affair.他看上去已经和这整件事撇清关系了。How did the control group students do relative to the whole class?与整个班级相比较,对照组学生做得怎样?She spent the whole summer in dolce far niente.她悠闲地度过了整个夏天。She could quit the whole thing, for all he cares.她可以什么也不做,他根本不在乎。She fixed lunch for the whole family.她给全家准备了午饭。They were digging in the tunnel the whole day.他们整天在隧道里挖掘。By now, the whole room was resounding to the sound of the team's chants.到现在整个房间里还回响着球队的呼喊声。The advertisements were designed to shock - that was the whole point of the campaign.这些广告为的就是惊世骇俗——这就是此次活动的全部意义。It still doesn't make sense to me-I don't think he's told us the whole truth.我还是觉得讲不通 - 我认为他没有告诉我们全部真相。Unless the guilty person owns up, the whole class will be punished.除非犯了错的同学站出来认错,否则全班都要受到惩罚。Travel agency jacked the whole thing up for the tourists.旅行社为游客安排好了一切。You couldn't, in all conscience, ask her to pay the whole bill!凭良心说,你不能叫她一个人付所有的账!These two ideas impenetrate the whole design and operating process.这两个理念贯穿了整个移情训练活动的设计和组织过程。 |