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This firm has a provident fund for the staff.这家公司设有一笔员工福利备用基金。Some of the money would come from the general-purpose funds.将有部分钱款来自普通基金。Before deciding on a pension, consider its past performance.定夺一项基金之前,应先考虑一下它以往的业绩。They collected donations for a fund to help military families.他们为一个旨在帮助军人家属的基金筹集捐款。He started a scholarship fund.他设立了一个奖学金基金。He acts as sole trustee of the fund.他充当这一基金的唯一受托人。Reducing or missing a distribution payment can sink the price of fund units.降低或取消分销费用会导致基金单价下跌。She rolled over her investments from one fund to another.她把她的投资从一个基金转到另一个基金。She has received no official acknowledgement of her contribution to the fund.她给这笔基金捐款,却没有得到过正式的致谢。The fund-raising campaign was kicked off by a benefit concert.募集基金运动以一场义演音乐会开始。 There is a sick fund for those who are unable to support themselves.有一项疾病扶助基金可以资助那些难以维持生计的病人。Most commodity funds track a specific commodity index.多数商品基金都会跟踪某种具体的商品价格指数。The organization is lobbying Capitol Hill to increase funding for AIDS research.那个组织正在游说美国国会增加艾滋病研究的基金。They accused him of misappropriating town funds.他们指控他挪用城镇基金。The United States pledge of $100 million to the rainforest fund is a drop in the ocean.美国许诺向雨林基金提供的一亿美元只是杯水车薪。They used this money to set up a fund for the refugees.他们用这笔钱为难民们建立一项基金。Her parents started putting away money for her education the year she was born.从她出生的那年起,父母就开始为她积攒教育基金。I would like to contribute to the church restoration fund.我愿向教堂修缮基金捐款。Private sponsorships only accounted for a third of all arts funding last year.个人赞助只占去年所有艺术基金的三分之一。They consigned the funds to the anti-poverty program.他们拨出基金用于反贫困计划。Their contribution to the fund was insubstantial.他们对基金的捐助不多。The fund was established to help needy widows whose husbands had died in the war.这项基金建立的目的是帮助那些丈夫在战争中阵亡的贫困寡妇。The church commissioners are cutting their contributions to diocesan funds.英格兰国教委员会正在减少对教区基金的善款拨付。The fund supports weak currencies.这项基金扶持疲软货币。About half of those funds has gone to repair public roads, structures and bridges.那些基金中大约有一半已被用来维修公路、公共建筑物和桥梁。The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.该基金大致上由政府借款支持。Our research grant had nearly run out, until the cavalry arrived in the shape of the Rowntree Foundation.我们的研究基金就要用完时,朗特里基金就像救兵般地来临了。The fund was invested in a range of state bonds.该基金投资于一系列的国有债券。The organization raised funds for its maintenance.这机构筹集基金来维持自身。He used his party's slush fund to buy votes in the election.他用所属政党的非法基金贿赂选民投他的票。The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash.这项新的提议将建立一个现金储备基金。The fund is largely financed through government borrowing.该基金主要通过政府借款筹集资金。She set up the fund in memory of her late husband.她为了纪念已故的丈夫而成立了该基金。They keep a register of all those who have contributed to the fund.他们保存着完整的基金捐助人名单。The trail of missing funds led investigators directly to Wang.基金遗失的一连串线索使得调查人员直接将矛头指向王。Supporters have set up an appeal fund to help Peter fight the case.支持者设立了一个援助基金来帮助彼得打这场官司。Tell us, Gillian, how much do you have in the appeal fund now?吉莉恩,请告诉我们你现在有多少援助基金?Housing trusts help to provide houses for people who are not well off.住房基金机构向那些不富裕的人们提供住房方面的帮助。He illegally used money from the newspaper's pension fund.他非法使用了报社的养老保险基金。The fund has been set up in partnership with banks.该基金已经通过与银行的合作建立起来。 |