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词汇 jarred
例句 The earthquake jarred the city and the surrounding countryside.地震使城市及四周乡村发生剧震。The violent opposition jarred his resolve.强烈的反对意见动摇了他的决心。There was a modern lamp that jarred with the rest of the room.房间里一盏现代风格的灯和其他东西不协调。The contrasting styles jarred.截然不同的风格相互冲突。Visitors are often jarred by the conditions at the hospital.医院环境常常使到访者感到不安。The loss jarred his confidence in the team.那次输球动摇了他对球队的信心。The bell jarred in the necromancer's hand, becoming suddenly shrill and raucous.铃铛在巫师的手中丁零当啷地响着,声音突然间变得尖厉刺耳。The earthquake jarred the tiles loose.地震把房瓦震松了。The sudden movement jarred his injured ribs.突然的一动震疼了他受伤的肋骨。She was jarred awake by the ringing telephone.她被电话铃声惊醒。I must have jarred my shoulder playing basketball.我一定是在打篮球的时候把肩膀碰伤了。Sometimes a light remark jarred on her father.有时候一句玩笑就会令她父亲不快。The harsh colours jarred the eye.这些强烈的色彩很刺眼。The loud music jarred on my ears.嘈杂的音乐让我觉得刺耳。He jarred the ball from his opponent's hands.他把球从对手手中断掉了。Her boyish-cut hair, pale skin, and prominent nose jarred with the conventional ideal of beauty.她男孩般的发型、苍白的皮肤和突出的鼻子不符合传统的美女标准。The tiles jarred loose in the earthquake.在地震中,房瓦被震松了。The impact jarred his arm.冲击力震得他手臂直晃。The harsh, metallic sound jarred on her.刺耳的金属声音让她心烦意乱。He wore a scruffy sweatshirt that jarred unpleasantly with her silk eveningwear.他穿着一件破旧的运动衫,和她的丝绸晚礼服极不相称。The clock radio jarred Diane from her nap.收音机闹钟把黛安娜从小睡中吵醒了。Her neck ached, her spine jarred, her vision blurred.她脖子疼,脊梁骨发颤,视力模糊不清。The impact jarred his arm.冲击力震伤了他的胳膊。But something still jarred in the media coverage of this sad case.但在媒体对这一悲惨案件的报道里,仍然有什么东西让人不安。The child's screams jarred my nerves.那孩子的尖叫声使我心烦。The impact jarred her ankles and she almost fell.冲击震伤了她的脚踝,她几乎跌倒。One of his comments jarred with the informality of the occasion.他的评论中有一句话与这种场合的随意气氛很不协调。The ship jarred a little.船微微震动了一下。I jarred my right shoulder.我撞到了右肩。Their unmodulated laughter jarred the air.空气中回荡着他们刺耳的大笑声。A screech of brakes jarred the silence.刺耳的刹车声打破了宁静。He winced as the iron gate jarred.铁门发出刺耳的嘎嘎声, 他忙不迭缩避。He was once more jarred awake by the ringing telephone.他又一次被电话铃声惊醒。Her manner jarred.她的举止让人不快。The attack jarred her sense of security.那次袭击事件让她失去了安全感。Martin landed on his shoulder and jarred his neck.马丁肩部着地,震到了脖子。They had always been complimentary and their temperaments seldom jarred.他们一直相敬如宾,性情也极少有不合之处。This word jarred much more than any of the expletives he used.这个词比他任何咒骂的话都更刺耳。Sometimes a light remark jarred on her father.有时一句轻松的话就会刺激到她父亲。The platform jarred as a train rumbled by.列车隆隆驰过时站台受到震动。




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