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She left the hotel with a nameless man in a black jacket.她和一个姓名不详穿黑夹克的男子离开了酒店。You can't just walk off with his jacket.你可不能偷走他的夹克。She was wearing an open jacket.她穿了件敞开的夹克。He unzipped his jacket.他拉开了夹克衫的拉链。The jacket has two side pockets and two more pockets inside.这件夹克两边都有口袋,里面还有两个口袋。Joyce argued me into buying a new jacket.乔伊斯说服我买了一件新夹克衫。The branches tore at my jacket and scratched my hands and face.树枝刮破了我的夹克,划伤了我的手和脸。Should I add a scarf to this jacket or would it be gilding the lily?穿上这件外套我再配条围巾好吗?不会显得画蛇添足吧?Rob is the guy with the blue jacket.罗布是那个穿蓝夹克的家伙。The jacket seems to emphasize the width of his shoulders.这件夹克似乎使他的肩显得更宽了。The jacket is tight in the shoulders.这件夹克的肩部紧了。I must have left my jacket someplace.我一定是把夹克衫落在什么地方了。He is wearing a tan double-breasted jacket.他穿了一件浅褐色的双排扣夹克。Assuming a carefree air, Luke picked up his jacket and walked to the door.卢克装出轻松的样子,拿起外套向门口走去。I like that jacket. It suits you.我喜欢那件夹克衫,你穿起来很合身。That jacket is very becoming on you.你穿那件夹克非常漂亮。He never washed, and always wore a filthy old jacket.他总是穿着一件从来不洗的脏兮兮的旧夹克。He sported a collarless jacket with pleated black panels.他十分招摇地穿着一件带有黑色褶子饰条的无领上衣。She was wearing a jacket of bright vermilion.她穿着一件亮红色的夹克。The water had soaked his jacket and shirt.他的西装上衣和衬衫湿透了。Diego wore a hand-me-down jacket, still too big for him.迭戈穿着一件旧夹克,仍嫌太大。I ordered the same jacket in navy blue.我订了一件藏青色的同款夹克。Sue was sitting up in bed, looking very fetching in a flowered bed jacket.休穿着宽松的印花短睡衣坐在床上,显得妩媚动人。His jacket was hanging up in the hallway.他的夹克衫挂在走廊上。I can't turn up at a funeral in a pink jacket. What an idea!我不能穿粉红色的夹克去参加葬礼。多可笑的建议!He opened his jacket to reveal a bullet-proof vest underneath.他解开夹克衫,露出里面的防弹背心。I tore a hole in my jacket, climbing over the fence.我爬过篱笆时把上衣挂了个洞。She wore a fashionable jacket and high shiny boots.她穿着一件时髦的夹克衫,一双擦得光亮的高统靴子。She hid her face under the collar of his jacket and she started to cry.她将脸埋在他外套的衣领下,开始哭了起来。The front of the dust jacket bears a photograph.护封的正面有一张照片。I've reinforced the elbows of this jacket with leather patches.我已用皮片加固了这件茄克衫的肘部。The jacket was too big for him so he rolled up the cuffs.这件夹克他穿着太大了,就把袖口卷了起来。You can detach the hood from the jacket.你可以把风帽从夹克上拆下来。If it wasn't for the life jacket, I would have drowned.如果没有这件救生衣,我就淹死了。With her was a youngish man in a dinner jacket.和她在一起的是一个略显年轻、身着无尾礼服的男人。I shimmied into my jacket.我晃动着身体穿上了夹克。I was perished. No jacket, no torch, wet through, exhausted.我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。Hugh's jacket was old and shabby.休的夹克衫又旧又破。Your jacket needs brushing down.你的上衣需要刷刷干净。That jacket looks a little big for you.那件外套你穿显得有点儿大。 |