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词汇 Italy
例句 She jumped at the chance to work in Italy.她欣然接受了去意大利工作的机会。She was born in Italy but her English is fluent and idiomatic.她出生在意大利,却讲一口流利地道的英语。In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.在意大利,电视抢走了电影的大块市场,这一点跟世界其他地方一样。France and Italy reacted angrily to the decision.法国和意大利对这个决定表示愤慨。Italy has been afflicted by political corruption for decades.几十年来意大利一直饱受政治腐败之苦。Which year was it that Italy won the World Cup?意大利是哪一年赢得世界杯的?Besides her studio apartment, she also owns a valuable estate in Italy.除了一套单室公寓,她还在意大利拥有一处值钱的地产。His army was the strongest in Italy.他的军队是意大利最强大的军队。I always think Italy would be a great place to live.我总觉得意大利是个居住生活的好地方。Beckenbauer coached the West Germans to success in the World Cup final in Italy.贝肯鲍尔执教西德队,带领他们在意大利世界杯决赛中获胜。Personally, I couldn't have cared less whether the ice cream came from Italy or England.就我个人而言,我根本不关心冰激凌是意大利产的还是英国产的。She traveled throughout Europe and eventually fetched up in Italy.她遍游欧洲各地,最终在意大利结束旅程。The party is still the second strongest in Italy.该党仍是意大利的第二大党。We went to Italy on our honeymoon.我们去意大利度蜜月。I love Italy. It's my second home.我喜欢意大利,它是我的第二故乡。The team are due to fly to Italy next month.该球队预定下个月要飞往意大利。He was advised to spend time in the warmth and dryness of Italy.有人建议他去暖和而少雨的意大利呆一段时间。At the start it looked as though Italy would win, but Argentina improved as the game went on.起先似乎是意大利队会赢,但随着比赛的进行,阿根廷队越踢越好。Pompeii is one of Italy's prime tourist attractions.庞贝是意大利主要的旅游胜地之一。He came to think of Italy as his home.他开始把意大利看成自己的家了。She's gone to Italy on a special assignment.她去意大利执行特殊任务。To what extent did the people of Italy support the new government?意大利国民支持新政府到何种程度?Italy wanted naval parity with France.意大利想要在海军实力上与法国平起平坐。The refugees were put in camps in Italy before being resettled.这些难民在重新定居之前被安置在意大利的难民营中。We visited an aquatic city in Italy.我们在义大利访问过一个水上城市。My parents came from Italy.我父母出生于意大利。Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and north-eastern regions.意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。He met her while he was vacationing abroad in Italy.他出国度假时在意大利邂逅了她。There are many reasons to suppose that Shakespeare was familiar with the stories of medieval Italy.我们有许多理由可以认为莎士比亚熟悉中世纪意大利的传说。Sometimes, Grandma would tell us stories about her childhood in Italy.有时候,祖母会跟我们讲讲她在意大利时的童年故事。He has been to Italy, but it does not follow that he understands the Italians.他虽然去过意大利,但不能因此说他就了解意大利人了。The car was an importation from Italy.这辆汽车是意大利进口货。He soon returned to Manchester United after a brief exile in Italy.在意大利呆了一段时间后他很快就回到了曼彻斯特联队。It's a wonderful way of getting to see Italy, and it needn't cost very much.这是游历意大利的好办法,也不需要花很多钱。The prime minister wants to stop Italy's huge public debt growing, and to make its public services more efficient.总理希望意大利的公共债务停止扩大并提高公共服务的效率。Italy was strewn thick with the remains of Roman buildings.意大利到处有古罗马建筑的遗迹。In the final they play against their old foes, Italy.在决赛中他们与老对手意大利队对垒。British beer drinkers pay far more excise duty than drinkers in Spain, Italy and Luxembourg.在英国喝啤酒的人要比在西班牙、意大利和卢森堡多付一大笔消费税。Italy qualified for the second round of the tournament by beating Germany.意大利队战胜德国队获得了进入锦标赛第二轮的资格。The team are ready for next week's World Cup clash with Italy.该队已经做好了下周在世界杯赛中与意大利队交锋的准备。




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