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词汇 被淘汰
例句 China was knocked out in the second round.中国队在第二轮被淘汰了。Most computer hardware rapidly becomes obsolete.大部分的计算机硬件很快就会被淘汰In such a fiercely competitive environment, it's inevitable that some companies will go out of business.在竞争如此激烈的环境中,一些公司会不可避免地被淘汰掉。Four teams will be eliminated in the preliminaries.预赛中四个队将被淘汰The losers are eliminated, and the winners go on to the next round.失败方被淘汰出局,获胜方进入下一轮比赛。The old machinery in this factory will be phased out sooner or later.这家工厂的旧机器迟早将被淘汰If you are eliminated in the show-jumping then you are out of the complete competition.如果在马术障碍赛中被淘汰,就意味着完全出局。Safin's inspired performance condemned the champion to an early exit.萨芬出色的发挥使这位冠军早早就被淘汰出局。Last year's champion went out in the second round.去年的冠军在第二轮就被淘汰了。The weapons had gone out of use.这些武器已经被淘汰了。There are new uses of words coming in and old uses dying out.单词总有新用法出现,也有旧用法慢慢被淘汰We were sent packing after the first day of tryouts.选拔赛的第一天,我们就被淘汰出局了。He was put out in the first round at Wimbledon.他在温布尔顿网球赛第一轮即被淘汰Connors just avoided being knocked out in the second run.康纳斯在第二轮比赛中险些被淘汰As the airline industry shakes out all but the very fittest, catering companies could face serious troubles.航空业除了最盈利的大公司外,其他的都要被淘汰出局,因此饮食服务公司可能会面临严重的困境。He washed out after one semester.他念了一学期就被淘汰了。It was said that coal was on the way out and would be replaced by nuclear energy.大家都说,煤逐渐被淘汰,将由核能取而代之。Henri Leconte has been knocked out in the quarter-finals of the Geneva Open.亨利·勒孔特在日内瓦公开赛四分之一决赛中被淘汰Thousands of Europe's tanks and guns are going to the scrap heap.欧洲成千上万的坦克和枪支将被淘汰The loser will be out of the tournament.败者将被淘汰出局。Next Thursday's game is very important - if Italy lose they will be out of the World Cup.下周四的比赛很重要一如果意大利队输了就会被淘汰出世界杯赛。She was knocked out of the championship in the third round.她在锦标赛的第三轮被淘汰We had to battle very hard and our defence worked overtime to keep us in the game.为保证我们不被淘汰出局,我们不得不奋力搏杀,防守队员拼尽了全力。Supporters were shocked by their elimination in the first round.他们第一轮就被淘汰了,支持者们感到震惊。Once a useful tool, slide rules have fallen into obsolescence.计算尺曾经是有用的工具,现在已经被淘汰了。Our team was knocked out in the second run.我们的队在第二轮比赛中被淘汰Last year's champion was dethroned in the first round of the play-offs.去年的冠军在季后赛第一轮就被淘汰了。Half of the candidates were eliminated after the first round of interviews.在第一轮面试之后,一半的应试者被淘汰了。Two teams were eliminated in the contraction of the baseball league.两支球队在棒球联盟精简过程中被淘汰The team are still stunned by their elimination from the World Cup.该队仍然未能摆脱被淘汰出世界杯的沉重打击。These players did not make the cut and are out of the competition.这些球员未能取得进入后两轮比赛的资格而被淘汰Our team was eliminated in the first round.我们队第一轮就被淘汰了。The team will have to improve on today's showing if it is to survive in the competition.该队若不想在比赛中被淘汰还要比今天表现得更好才行。Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.电灯发明以后煤气灯就被淘汰了。All the geese infected with the flu were culled from the farm.农场中所有得瘟疫的鹅都被淘汰Old uses of some words are dying out.一些词语的旧用法正慢慢被淘汰A lot of farming techniques have been abandoned because they were too labour-intensive.很多耕作方式因其劳动过于密集而被淘汰Much of our existing military hardware is obsolescent.我们现有的许多军事硬件在逐渐被淘汰Murray was knocked out in the second round.穆雷在第二轮被淘汰出局。Only the best players are good enough to make the cut when the team is being chosen.挑选队员时,只有最优秀的选手才不会被淘汰




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