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词汇 被水淹
例句 Some of his land had been flooded.他的一些地产已被水淹没。We waded up the flooded garden path to the house.我们蹬过被水淹没了的花园小径向房子走去。Gulches would flood in the rainy season but were dry now.峡谷在雨季会被水淹没,但现在是干的。The garden was afloat.花园被水淹了。Part of the trail was flooded, so we had to go back the way we had come.小径的部分路段已经被水淹了,因此我们只得按原路返回。Vast areas of low-lying land have been flooded.大片的低洼地都被水淹了。It was touch and go for a few hours, but we were able to get everything out of the basement before it flooded.那几个小时里情况很危急,不过我们还是赶在地下室被水淹前把东西全都搬了出来。They returned home to find a pipe had burst and the house was flooded.他们回到家,发现有条水管破裂,家里被水淹了。The ground was completely waterlogged.地面全部被水淹了。I have had many near-suffocation experiences, in terms of being overwhelmed by water.我有很多次被水淹没濒临窒息的经历。There's flooding on all the roads into the city.通向该城的所有道路都被水淹了。For months I've been dining out on the story of what happened when my house got flooded.一连几个月我在晚餐时都要对别人讲起房子被水淹之后所发生的事情。Low-lying land in river valleys is often subject to flooding.河谷里的低洼地常常被水淹没。




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