例句 |
The bank invests a lot of money in the tobacco industry: do you think it's right for them to do that?银行在烟草工业上投资了很多钱,你觉得他们那样做对吗?The law invests the shareholders with legal rights.法律授予股东们以合法权益。She invests her money as a hedge against inflation.她将钱用于投资以防通货膨胀。The United States Constitution invests the President with certain powers. 美国宪法赋予总统一定的权力。The document invests heavily in policies of further nationalisation.这文件花大量篇幅阐明进一步实行国有化的各项政策。Spring invests the trees with leaves.春天给树木披上绿叶。 |