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词汇 investors
例句 The region is a disaster area for investors.对投资者来说,这个地区问题极多。Many investors are nervous about their investments after the recent drop in the stock market.最近股市下滑,许多投资者都为自己的投资担心。Small investors like myself are probably none the richer after handing over their financial affairs to professional advisers.像我本人这样的小投资者,把理财事务移交给职业顾问后收益很可能并不会增加。Small investors and large companies have both put money into the exhibition.小投资者和大公司都对这次展览会进行了投资。Many small investors will go to the wall.许多小投资者将会破产。The high recent returns on stocks have steered many investors away from bonds.近期股市的高回报把许多投资者从债券市场上拉走了。The company is beginning to attract investors, most notably big Japanese banks.这家公司开始吸引投资者,特别是日本大型金融会社。Financial analysts have warned investors not to touch these offers with a ten-foot pole.财经分析家告诫投资者千万不要碰这些报价。Some skittish Wall Street investors are staying away from the market.一些患得患失的华尔街投资者不敢入市。We must keep in mind the feelings of our people, who have a justified desire to see that private investors are also on the hook, and not just taxpayers.我们必须考虑到我们公民的情绪,他们有合理的理由去了解到私人投资者已被陷入圈套,而不仅仅是纳税人。Many investors must be hoping that he will be dethroned, his publishing empire dismembered.众多投资者此时一定希望他能被撵下台,他的出版帝国四分五裂。For some inexplicable reason, the investors decided to pull out.由于某些无法说明的原因,投资商们决定撤出投资。They want to stimulate growth in the region by offering incentives to foreign investors.他们想用奖励外商投资的办法来刺激该地区的发展。His investment strategy is based on the principle that the stock market offers the best returns for long-term investors.他的投资策略是基于股票市场会给长线投资者最好的回报这一法则。Some investors may prefer growth to immediate income.有些投资者可能宁可不要眼前直接收益而指望自己的资本增值。These rumours have aroused intense interest among investors.这些传言引起了投资者的极大兴趣。The bank has to butter up investors because it is in a fiercely competitive market.由于市场竞争激烈,银行不得不去讨好投资者。Potential investors want to know that you've got strong entrepreneurial instincts.潜在的投资者想知道你们是否已经具备了很强的创业直觉。The company talked to many potential investors.公司与很多潜在投资者进行了会谈。Most investors study the market and take calculated risks.大多数投资者对市场进行研究,然后作出精心考虑的冒险。It is likely that investors will face losses.投资者们可能要面临损失。The dispute has scared away potential investors.这一纠纷吓跑了潜在的投资者。In the current situation many investors are holding back.在目前形势下,许多投资者退缩了。Smart investors quickly accommodated themselves to the new market conditions. = Smart investors quickly became accommodated to the new market conditions.精明的投资者很快使自己适应了新的市场环境。The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors.该公司的经济困境令潜在的投资者望而却步。The company is doing poorly, and many investors have decided to abandon ship. 这家公司经营惨淡,因此许多投资者决定抛售公司股票。The current economic situation is the best of all possible worlds for investors.目前的经济形势对投资者来说是最有利的。This left the market largely to corporations and individual investors.这就使得市场主要为大公司和个体投资者所占据。Swift said the growing sophistication among biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund.斯威夫特说,生物科技领域的投资人越来越精明了,这也为我们获得一个更专业的投资基金提供了机会。The stock is currently out of favor with investors.这只股票现在已不受投资者追捧了。This deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors.这笔交易将会让实业家和投资者受益匪浅。He defrauded investors of millions of dollars.他从投资者那里骗取了数百万美元。The scheme's investors decided to abandon the project.项目投资者决定放弃该工程。The increase in interest rates is welcome news for investors.利率增加对投资者来说是个很好的消息。We can guide investors through the intricacies of the cable industry.我们可以帮助投资者了解复杂的电缆产业。They papered over their disagreements in order to convince the investors to put up the money.为了使投资者相信并投资,他们掩盖了分歧。Foreign investors are not permitted to purchase land.外国投资者不得购买土地。The audit showed that the company had misled investors.审计结果显示公司曾误导投资者。The government plans to sell part of the railway network to private investors.政府计划将部分铁路网出售给私人投资者。European investors may outspend the Japanese this year.今年欧洲投资者的支出可能会超过日本投资者。




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