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词汇 平息
例句 Might have to lay up with you for a few days till things cool off.我也许要在你这儿避避风头,直到事态平息His tact and political skills disarmed his critics.他凭老练和政治手腕平息了批评者的怒气。The uprising at Southport prison ended after inmates were allowed to air their grievances to the media.犯人被允许向媒体诉说不满之后,绍斯波特监狱的暴动平息了下去。The peacekeepers are trained to defuse potentially explosive situations.维和人员受训学习如何平息很可能一触即发的局势。The sound of gunfire gradually receded and then ceased altogether.炮火声渐渐平息,后来完全停了。These fears ought now to be laid.这些疑惧现在可以平息了。He tapped the table to still the shouts of protest.他敲了敲桌子,以平息抗议的喧闹声。Many died in the years before pacification.很多人在事情平息的几年前就死去了。The local government did everything in its power to still the storm.当地政府尽一切努力平息这场风潮。He tried to cool the temperature by stating some obvious facts.他试图把一些明显的事实讲出来以平息人们的激烈情绪。Mounted troops were called out to put an end to the disorder in the streets.骑兵部队被召来平息街头的骚乱。The storm is petering out.暴风雨正渐渐平息Mr Beazer tried to calm the protests by promising to keep the company's base in Pittsburgh.比泽先生承诺仍将公司总部设在匹兹堡,以求平息抗议。After a while the clapping died down.过了一会儿,掌声渐渐平息下去。He tried to patch up their quarrel.他试图平息他们之间的争吵。The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.军方因在平息示威活动时杀死了无辜平民而备受指责。The controversy is unlikely to die down.争论不大可能平息You need to cool off/down your anger.你要平息一下你的怒气。The fighting shows no sign of abating.战斗没有平息的迹象。He needs to learn how to deal with his anger.他需要学习如何平息怒火。The police had been called in to quell a minor disturbance.警察奉命出动以平息一场小规模的骚乱。When the applause had died down, a band struck up the national anthem.掌声平息之后,军乐队奏响了国歌。They may have to call in a mediator to settle the strike.他们可能只得请求调停人来平息这场罢工。Troops eventually quelled the unrest.军队最终平息了动乱。The excitement of the arrest was over and the crowd began to melt away.逮捕引起的骚动已经平息,人群悄悄地离开了。Police quelled the riot.警方平息了这场骚乱。Their strategy for the moment is to hunker down and let the fuss die down.他们目前的策略就是保持低调,让事态渐渐平息The angry customer was not placated by the clerk's apology.店员的道歉没能平息消费者的愤怒。Beth's quiet voice helped to defuse the situation.贝思平静的话音有助于平息这一局面。The controversy is unlikely to die down.争议不大可能平息These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters.这些古老的仪式平息了水中神灵的怒气。By morning the storm had subsided.到早晨时,暴风雨已经平息了。The whole thing sputtered out.整个事态渐渐平息了下来。The fighting flared up again after a two-week lull.战火平息了两个星期之后,再度爆发。His rage mellowed into a plea.他的愤怒渐渐平息,变成恳求。They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.他们答应举行会谈试图平息国际上的反对声音。Police stopped the rioting.警方平息了这场暴乱。The police were called in to quell the riot that ensued.警察被召来平息之后发生的暴乱。Brute force was used to put down the revolt.使用残忍的武力平息反叛。Once the dust had settled Beck defended his decision.事态一平息,贝克就为自己的决定辩白。




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