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词汇 investing
例句 You minimize risk by investing in a spread of successful companies.投资到若干不同的成功的公司,你就会把风险降到最低。Overseas Private Investment Corp. is a US government-chartered corporation that provides guarantees and insurance to US companies investing in developing countries.海外私人投资公司是一家由美国政府批准建立的公司,为在发展中国家投资经营的美国公司提供担保和保险。Companies are put off investing in poor areas because of the meagre pickings to be had.因为没什么油水可捞,各公司都延迟了在贫困地区投资。Companies seek higher returns by investing in other corporations.各公司通过向其他股份公司投资谋求更高的利润。When it comes to investing, she's no Johnny-come-lately.说到投资,她可不是新手。His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.他投资这家公司唯一的原因是想接管它。The Singapore government is interested in investing abroad.新加坡政府对在海外投资感兴趣。It's a good time to be investing in the stock market.这是投资股市的有利时机。The company has backed off from investing new money.公司已不再投入新的资金了。Don't fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.不要掉进陷阱把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方。She's been giving him some expert advice about investing.她一直在给他提供有关投资方面的专业建议。He made a fortune by investing in real estate.他投资房地产赚了一大笔钱。You need to think about investing for your retirement.你需要考虑为了退休进行投资。They were leery about investing in a company controlled by a single individual.他们对于投资一家由一人独自操控的公司不太放心。Her financial adviser urged caution before investing in the project.她的金融顾问奉劝她投资这个项目要慎重。I should hedge my bets by investing in a diversity of pension funds.我应该投资各种养老金以规避风险。A few lucky people have struck gold by investing in this company.少数幸运儿投资这家公司赚了大钱。She is investing for the long term. 她在做长线投资。They hedge against inflation by investing their money.他们通过投资来预防通货膨胀。The company misled hundreds of people into investing their money unwisely.公司误导数百人做了不明智的投资。She has some vestigial doubts about investing in the company.对于是否投资这家公司,她还有些疑虑。If you live in an area where burglary is common, it may be worth investing in an alarm system.如果你住在一个入室行窃很普遍的地方,那么花钱装一个警报系统也许是值得的。Long-term investing is risky, and careful planning is imperative.长期投资风险很大,谨慎计划至关重要。These companies are investing large sums overseas.这些公司正在向海外大规模投资。That would mean me investing in another man's career. Not on your Nelly!那将意味着我把赌注押在另一个人的事业上。才不呢!The company is investing heavily in new technologies.这家公司大力投资新技术。Senior leaders are investing time and effort in studying the issue.高层领导正在投入时间和精力研究这件事。This government believes in investing in education.该政府确信投资教育有好处。The real pisser was investing so much time and effort for zero return.最糟的就是投入那么多时间和精力一点回报也没有。I called my broker for advice about investing in the stock market.我给我的经纪人打电话咨询股市投资的问题。He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng.他希望通过投资人参发大财。She made her money from investing in property.她投资房地产发了财。I thought I should hedge my bets by investing in a diversity of pension funds.我曾认为我应该通过投资多个养老基金来规避风险。Lack of resources has prevented the company from investing in new technology.资金缺乏使公司未能对新技术进行投资。The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.政府将优先投资服务行业,而非工业和生产行业。They have been investing in costly new equipment.他们一直投资于价格高昂的新设备。By investing small amounts regularly, you can smooth out the effects of sudden rises and falls in the stock market.定期小额投资能够减少股市的突然涨跌所造成的影响。Several companies, sniffing profit potential, are investing in the area.察觉出了获利前景,几家公司开始在这一地区投资。The rail company is investing in new rolling stock.该铁路公司正投资购买新的车辆。By investing in real estate, he was one of the richest men in the United States.通过投资房地产,他成为美国最富有的人之一。




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