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词汇 calculate
例句 What you do first is to calculate the mean.你首先要做的就是计算平均数。Emotional people don't stop to calculate.感情冲动的人往往不计后果。Every day after closing the shop, she spent several hours catching up on the books to calculate the daily cash flow.每天商店关门之后,她都会花几个小时的时间补做账目,计算每日现金流量。We'll need to calculate the overall costs.我们需要算出总费用。He programmed the computer to calculate his monthly expenses and earnings.他设计了一个电脑程序计算自己的月收入和支出。I used a shortcut to calculate the total weight.我用了个简便方法来计算总重量。He can instantly calculate the square footage of any property.他能立即计算出任何房产的平方英尺数。I need to calculate how long it will take me to drive to Chicago.我得计算一下开车去芝加哥要花多长时间。A simple mathematical formula has been devised to allow you to calculate the interest due.已经设计出一个能帮你计算应得利息的简单数学公式。I calculate they will soon arrive.我看他们快要到了。We calculate upon your cooperation.我们指望你们的协作。We need to calculate our chances of success before we invest more money in the business.在给企业投入更多资金之前我们需要预测一下成功的可能性有多大。The students learned how to calculate the area of a triangle.学生们学习了如何计算三角形的面积。From this you can calculate the total mass in the Galaxy.由此你可以算出银河系的总质量。It's difficult to calculate what effect all these changes will have on the company.很难估计所有这些变化将会给公司带来什么样的影响。These instruments calculate distances precisely.这些仪器计算距离非常精确。I created a spreadsheet to calculate my expenses.我创建了一份电子表格来计算支出。We tried to calculate the effect of a higher minimum wage on employment and hours worked.我们想计算出更高的最低工资对就业及工作时间的影响。It's difficult to calculate the long-term effects of these changes in the law.很难预测法律上的这些变化会产生怎样的长期影响。Staff have to calculate continuously the likelihood of danger.工作人员必须时刻估测危险发生的可能性。You'll have to calculate the average.你得算出平均数。I'm trying to calculate how much paint we need.我想算出我们需要多少涂料。Before taking a loan out, calculate your monthly outgoings.申请贷款之前,算一下你每月的支出。The satellite enables us to calculate their precise location anywhere in the world.卫星使我们能够计算出他们在世界上任何地方的精确位置。We calculate on their cooperation.我们指望著他们的合作。Technological advances are now such that computers can calculate infinitely complicated problems.现在,技术的进步是如此之大,计算机可以计算无限复杂的问题。It's difficult to calculate precisely what we've spent.要精确计算出我们的花费很难。I was trying to calculate how much time had gone by since I heard the scream.我在努力计算从我听到尖叫声后过了多少时间。Take all these temperatures and calculate/find their mean.把所有这些温度记下来并计算出它们的平均值。I'll show you the way we calculate the figures.我给你看我们是怎么计算这些数值的。




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