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例句 He gave the same answer as before.他作了和以前相同的回答。She looked just the same as before.她看上去就和以前一样。After this feeble thaw the silence set in as severely as before.略微活跃的场面过去后先前那样的严峻冷场重又出现。Despite your arguments, I remain of the same persuasion as before.不管你怎么争辩,我还是坚持原来的想法。After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.受伤后骨的关节不如以前连接得好。Things are very much the same as before.情况基本和原来一模一样。Censorship is not as stiff as before.审查不像以前那样严格了。Some will say that it is the mixture as before, but in larger and more frequent doses.有些人会说那是换汤不换药,仅剂量和次数有所增加而已。Jacques launched into a long-winded explanation that left us just as confused as before.雅克开始唠唠叨叨地解释了一大堆话,我们听后仍不知所云。The train proceeded at the same speed as before.列车以原来的速度继续前进。She gave the same answer as before.她给出了和从前一样的答案。We were hoping for something original in this new film but it's the mixture as before.我们曾期待这部新片子会有所创新,可它仍是换汤不换药的老一套。Both NATO and the Community knew they could not go merrily on as before.北约与欧共体都明白他们不可能再像以前那样高枕无忧了。At the end of the war we were in precisely the same financial position as before.战争结束时,我们的经济地位与以前一模一样。




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