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词汇 人所共知
例句 Such thinkers as Plato, Rousseau and Freud are well-known.像柏拉图、卢梭及弗洛伊德等思想家都是人所共知的。Statistics can be notoriously unreliable.统计数据有时也不可靠是人所共知的。It is a well known fact that a negative working environment discourages creativity.不良的工作环境抑制人的创造力,这是人所共知的事实。His beneficence was well known.他的善行是人所共知的。Alcoholics are notorious for their ability to deceive themselves about the extent of their problem.酗酒者善于在自身问题的严重性上自欺欺人,这是人所共知的。The human memory is notoriously selective.人所共知人类记忆具有选择性。Despite assurances from the government, the chemicals are known to be dangerous.尽管有政府的保证,化学品的危险性是人所共知的。It may be a well-known fact, but I didn't know it.这可能是人所共知的事实,但我却不知道。Authors are famously ignorant about the realities of publishing.作者们不了解出版界的实际情况,这是人所共知的。International law is notoriously slippery.人所共知,国际法相当棘手。The Japanese are famously clannish, insular, aloof.日本人抱团排外、超然冷淡,这是人所共知的。Josh ran wild and made a reputation for himself as a hell-raiser.乔希无人管束,成了人所共知的捣蛋鬼。President Bush was known to favor the use of military force.人所共知,布什总统赞同使用武力。The politicians are hand in glove with the military, everyone knows that.政客们与军队互相勾结,这一点人所共知He's known to everyone as a good actor.他以优秀演技为人所共知The president has a reputation for keeping key decisions from even his closest aides.人所共知,总统的一些重要决定就连他最亲密的助手都不知道。Her partying became the stuff of legend. 她喜欢寻欢作乐已人所共知The Prime Minister is known to favour the elevation of more women to the Cabinet.人所共知首相希望提拔更多女性进入内阁。He was known for his cultivation of political contacts to advance his own ends.他通过建立政界人脉达成自己的目标,这是人所共知的。She is known to be interested in pop music.她喜欢流行音乐是人所共知的。Olivia has a reputation as an easygoing, approachable executive who always has lunch with her employees.奥利维娅是个人所共知的随和而易于接近的经理,她总是与员工一起吃午餐。She has a reputation for being very houseproud.她注重保持家居整洁是人所共知的。My grandmother was a notoriously fussy housekeeper.我的祖母是个人所共知喜欢挑剔的管家婆。He is a proverb for recklessness.他的胆大妄为是人所共知的。Politicians are known for hedging.政客们喜欢闪烁其词是人所共知的。




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