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词汇 in the light of
例句 This case should be reviewed in the light of the new evidence.鉴于新证据出现,这个案子应该重新审查。This figure will be reviewed periodically in the light of inflation.我们会根据通货膨胀率定期审核这一数字。The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.远山在落日的余晖中熠熠发光。Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.很显然,从这些令人惊讶的结果来看,该假设确实需要进一步完善。She wore a diamond necklace, which sparkled in the light of the fire.她戴着一条钻石项链,在火光下闪闪发亮。The walls gleamed golden in the light of the setting sun.墙壁在落日的余晖中泛着金光。His theory is no longer tenable in the light of the recent discoveries.根据最新的发现,他的理论已经站不住脚了。He reviewed his policy in the light of recent developments.他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的方针。Police have decided to reopen the investigation in the light of important new evidence.鉴于有了重要的新证据,警方决定再次进行调查。I always have looked upon her in the light of a niece.我一向把她当作自己的侄女看待。Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.我们的结论可以根据新的证据随时修改。He was outlined in the light of a lamp.灯光衬托出他的身影。He reviewed his decision in the light of recent developments.他根据最近的事态发展重新考虑自己的决定。It is impossible to come to a conclusion in the light of the data we have here.以我们现有的数据不可能得出结论。There does seem to have been a slight shift in the government's mindset in the light of recent events.鉴于近来发生的事件,政府的思维模式似乎确实有了些许改变。He views progress in the light of scientific achievement.他认为进步就是科学的成就。They had to reconsider their ideas in the light of new evidence.他们只得根据新证据重新调整思路。You should review and revise the plan in the light of events as they unfold.随着事情逐渐明确,你应该检讨并修改计划。




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