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例句 It took a week for it to sink in that his mother had died.大约过了一个星期,他才会意过来他母亲已经死了。He often cadged drinks in that little wine-shop.他常在那家小酒店骗酒喝。Food in that restaurant is unreasonably priced.那家饭店价格不公道。Look at those men in that car. What on earth are they doing?你看那辆车上的那些男人。 他们究竟在干些什么?Hannah's wasted in that clerical job.汉娜干那种文书工作是大材小用。I can't understand what she sees in that clown.我不明白她看中了那个蠢货什么。Can you tell if it's the actor or his double in that shot?你能辨认出那个镜头中的人是演员还是他的替身吗?There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth.那匹布黑白条纹相间。I felt oppressed by the stuffy atmosphere in that household.那个家庭的沉闷气氛使我感到窒息。The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective.那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。Fish teem in that river.那条河中有很多鱼。She was afraid she would get sick if she stayed in that place any longer.她担心再在那个地方待下去会生病。The carpet was a curious note in that seedy hovel.那条地毯放在那间简陋的小破屋里显得十分不协调。Her achievement was the more remarkable in that she had come from such a poor family.考虑到她如此贫寒的出身,她的成就就显得愈加不凡。His remarks should be taken with the pinch of salt needed in that atmosphere.对于他的话应半信半疑地听,这在那种气氛下是必要的。You look ridiculous in that old hat.你戴着这顶老式帽子模样可笑极了。The war dragged on. In the meantime, an economic crisis took place in that country.战争持续著。在这期间那个国家发生了经济危机。Older people predominate in that neighborhood.那个街区老年人居多。I'm going to take off every stitch of clothing and jump in that river.我将把衣服统统脱掉,跳入河水。You look very fetching in that outfit.你穿那身衣服很招人喜欢。Neither glamour nor scenery is a long suit in that place.那地方并无什么魅力,景色也不优美。His request is unreasonable in that he knows we can't afford it.他的要求是不合理的,因为他知道我们负担不起。The company made more profit in that one month than it made in the whole of the preceding year.公司在那一个月里所获的利润比之前一整年里所获的利润还要多。You look a fright in that hat.你戴那顶帽子很难看。You look absolutely sensational in that dress!你穿上那条裙子绝对好看!I look hideous in that picture!我那张照片照得很丑。The flood made for much misery in that area.洪水在那个地区造成了很大的灾难。I don't know how you can work in that office – it's like a three-ring circus.我不知道你怎么能够在那样的办公室里工作 — 那里就像一个闹哄哄的大马戏团。The count lived in that big house.伯爵曾经住在那幢大房子里。In 1975, the floods in that area made 233,000 people homeless.一九七五年该地区的洪水使得二十三万三千人无家可归。He was miscast in that film.他在那部电影中扮演的角色不合适。He worked in that factory then.他那时在那个工厂工作。Some people in that country are now out of work.那个国家现在有些人失业。She was misplaced in that job; she ought to be doing something more creative.她被不恰当地安排在那个工作岗位上;她应该从事一些更有创意的工作。His compositions were influenced by the great tradition of music-making in that country.他的作品受到了那个国家优良的音乐创作传统的影响。Doesn't she look lovely in that hat?她戴那顶帽子不好看吗?They were had in that deal.他们在那笔生意上受了骗。Secret police agents abounded in that country.在那个国家,秘密警察多如牛毛。My horse just walked away from all the others in that race.在那次马赛中,我的马遥遥领先于所有其他的马。It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.关键是他对朱厄妮塔那晚住在那个汽车旅馆房间里一事毫不怀疑。




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