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词汇 interrogated
例句 I interrogated everyone even slightly involved.我讯问了每个人,甚至连稍有关联的人都没放过。Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or incarcerated.成千上万持不同政见者被审问或关押。The reporter was interrogated again.申报人又被讯问了一次。He was interrogated but he refused to talk.他受到审问,但是拒不招供。I interrogated everyone involved.我逼问了相关的每个人。Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.数千名持不同政见者在最近几周遭到审问或拘禁。Dissidents were physically intimidated, threatened, and harshly interrogated.持不同政见者受到了人身恐吓和威胁,并遭受了粗暴的审讯。The police interrogated the suspect for several hours.警察盘问了这名嫌疑犯好几个小时。He is one of a string of people interrogated by the police.他是被警察挨个儿盘问的一批人中的一个。Before the trial he was interrogated and tortured many times by the police.审判前他被警方多次讯问和拷打。She was interrogated without respite for twenty-four hours.她被不间断地审问了二十四小时。I was interrogated at length about my conversation with the two men.关于我和那两人之间的谈话,我被详细地盘问了一番。The suspects were interrogated by local police.这些嫌疑犯已被当地警察审问过了。




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