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词汇 intake
例句 His doctor warned him to reduce his daily food intake.医生告诫他要减少每天的食物摄入量。The body's annual intake of metallic iron is infinitesimal.人体对金属铁的年摄入量是微不足道的。You can control his calorie intake by adapting the evening meal.你可以通过对晚餐做一些调整来控制他的热量摄取。Try to cut down your alcohol intake.你要尽量少喝酒。Reduce your intake of salt, sugar, and junk foods.减少你对盐、糖和垃圾食品的摄入量。The driver was accused of knocking down most of each day's intake.那司机被控贪污每天的大部分车票收入。We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。All the cells and tissues in the body benefit from the increased intake of oxygen.体内所有的细胞与组织都从增加的氧气吸入量中受益。Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。There was a sharp intake of breath when the prizewinners were announced.当宣布得奖人时,人们都突然屏住了呼吸。Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.各大学设备不足,难以满足招入的大量学生的要求。Regular light exercise can depress the appetite and subsequent food intake.定期进行轻度锻炼可以抑制食欲、减少进食量。The school is preparing to welcome the new intake of students.学校正在准备迎接新生。The school's intake of students has increased in recent years.近年来,这所学校的招生人数有所增加。Sickness may develop from inadequate fluid intake.液体摄入量不足会导致生病。You need to cut your food intake by half.你需要将食物摄入量减半。He wants to reduce his salt intake.他想减少盐的摄入量。One of the best ways to get to your ideal size is to cut fat intake right down.塑造完美身材的最佳办法之一就是减少脂肪摄入量。You need to watch your alcohol intake.你需要注意酒精摄入量。You should maintain a low intake of fat.你应该维持较低的脂肪摄入量。He tried to phase the intake and output of the machine.他设法使机器的输入与输出同步。High sugar intake was not the only problem.高糖摄入并非唯一的问题。Reduce your salt intake.减少盐的摄入量。He needs to restrict his intake of red meat.他需要限制红肉的摄入量。Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day.每天只喝三四杯茶对身体有益。The intake of gasoline was stopped by a clogged fuel line.汽油的注入由于油管阻塞而停止了。You should limit your daily intake of fats and sugars.你应当限制自己每天脂肪和糖的摄取量。The college has increased its intake of students by 50 percent this year.这所学院今年的招生人数增加了一半。Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day.每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.研究表明定期服用维生素会显着增强大脑功能。You should keep your intake of alcohol to a minimum.你应当把饮酒量控制在最低限度。There was a proposal in the US to quadruple its annual intake of immigrants.在美国,曾经有人提议将每年接收的移民数量增加至四倍。One of her pet theories is that people who restrict their calorie intake live longer.她中意的论调之一就是限制热量摄入的人更长命。They compared the fat intake of groups of vegetarians and meat eaters, and matched their diets up with levels of harmful blood fats.他们比较了素食者组与肉食者组的脂肪摄入量,并将他们的膳食与血脂超标水平对应起来。Add pasta to your salads to bump up your fibre intake.在色拉中加入意大利面条,增加你的纤维摄入量。Cutting food intake by half is an incredibly difficult thing for anyone to do.将进食量减半对任何人来说都是件非常难的事。Algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.海藻堵塞了水轮机的进水口。There is an intake of breath and some of us look at each other.大家倒抽一口冷气,有些人面面相觑。The government should be promoting a balanced intake of students for every school.政府应当促进各学校招生人数的平衡。I heard, even over the babble of the crowd, a sharp, shocked intake of breath.即使周围人声嘈杂,我仍然能听到有人因震惊而猛地倒抽一口冷气。




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