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例句 We will succeed only insofar as we are prepared to sacrifice secondary objectives.我们成就的大小只能取决于我们准备牺牲多少次要目标。Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.回顾过去的作用在于帮助你从错误中吸取教训。She cites other scholars' work only insofar as it supports her own theories.她仅引用支持自己学说的其他学者的著作。She helped us insofar as she was able. 她尽全力帮助我们。We are entering a period of less danger insofar as the threat of nuclear war between the superpowers is less.超级大国之间发生核战争的威胁变小了,从这一点上来说,我们正进入一个危险较少的时期。They cooperated fully insofar that many of their projects were jointly conducted.他们只在许多共同进行的研究项目方面通力合作。I'll help you insofar as I can.我一定尽力帮助你。The news is good insofar as it suggests that a solution may be possible.这是个好消息,它暗示有可能找到解决办法。




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