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词汇 风波
例句 Although the troubles in the financial markets have made him cautious, Reid said they haven't discouraged him.里德说,尽管金融市场的风波令他小心谨慎,但还没有让他灰心。The book raised a storm of controversy.这本书引起了一场争议的风波The scandal blew up into a major political furore.丑闻发展成为一场重大政治风波The scandal caused tempests in the newspapers.那丑闻在报纸上掀起了阵阵风波The scandal blew over and was forgotten in a few months.那次丑闻风波平息了下来,几个月后就被大家遗忘了。After all that fuss, everything went like clockwork. You should have seen it.那场风波过后,一切都很顺利,你真该来看看。The children struggled through their parents' divorce and its aftermath.在父母离异的风波和余波中,孩子们艰难地挺了过去。In the next few days we will see if the ambassador can weather the political storm caused by his remarks.在接下来的几天里,我们要看看那位大使能否平安渡过这场因他轻率的言辞而引发的政治风波The scandal caused tempests in the tabloids.那丑闻在小报上掀起阵阵风波




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