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词汇 in small groups
例句 Talking in small groups is heuristic for children.分成小组讨论对孩子来说具有启发性。Evidence bears out the idea that students learn best in small groups.有证据显示,学生以小组方式学习效果最佳。The children can work individually or in small groups.孩子们可以自己单独学习,也可以分小组学习。The children bunched together in small groups.孩子们你一群我一伙地聚在操场上。People were standing around , talking quietly in small groups.人们在附近站着,三三两两地低声谈论着。The passengers clustered together in small groups.乘客们三五成群聚在一起。The students get expert tuition in small groups.学生分小组接受专家的指导。The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of selectivity.这些士兵擅长小股出动,执行具有高度选择性的歼敌任务。Dolphins travel in small groups.海豚小群小群地行进。Plant the trees singly or in small groups.把这些树单棵或成小片种植。People were standing about , talking quietly in small groups.人们三三两两地四下站着,轻声交谈。




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