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词汇 inquisitive
例句 We try not to be too inquisitive about what he's doing.我们尽量不去打听他正在做的事情。She was very inquisitive about other people's affairs.她太爱打听别人的私事。The crowded room was filled with lights, cameras, and inquisitive reporters.拥挤的房间内挤满了照明灯、照相机和爱打听的记者。Mandy had an inquisitive nature.曼迪生性爱钻研。A pat answer is not going to satisfy an inquisitive audience.陈腔滥调的答案不能满足好奇的听众。Children are usually inquisitive.儿童一般都好奇爱问。He has an inquisitive/inquiring mind.他总是爱打听。Bears are very inquisitive and must be kept mentally stimulated.熊是一种好奇心很强的动物,必须不断地对其大脑进行刺激。The child has an inquisitive mind.那孩子好奇爱问。Barrow had an inquisitive nature.巴罗天生就爱打听别人隐私。She was very inquisitive as a child.她孩提时喜欢刨根问底。His inquisitive nature got him into trouble more than once.他过分好奇的本性给自己不止一次招来麻烦。I'd have asked more questions, but I didn't want to seem inquisitive.我本想问更多的问题,但我不想看起来显得八卦。His nephew was an inquisitive and enthusiastic boy.他的侄子求知欲强,充满热情。She is so hell-fired inquisitive.她实在太喜欢打听别人的事情了。Don't be so beastly inquisitive.别这么寻根究底叫人讨厌。He has an inquisitive nature.他生性好奇。The kids were wide-eyed and inquisitive.小孩子们瞪大了眼睛,满心好奇。She could see inquisitive faces looking out from the windows next door.她可以看到一张张好奇的面孔从隔壁房子的窗户里向外观望。A locking system stops inquisitive children from burning themselves.锁定系统能够防止好奇心强的孩童烧伤自己。Her inquisitive nature got her into trouble more than once.她爱打听他人私事的天性使她不止一次招来麻烦。Children are naturally inquisitive.孩童生性喜欢刨根问底。His quiet, dignified pedagogical manner attracted inquisitive students.他上课时安静、庄重的样子吸引了好打听的学生们的注意。




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