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词汇 inquire
例句 I rang up to inquire about train times.我打了电话查询列车时刻。The investigation will inquire into the company's financial dealings.此次调查将会审查公司的财务往来。May I inquire why you wish to speak to him?我可以问一下你为什么想与他谈话吗?We ought to inquire into her former and present fame.我们应当对她过去和现在的名声进行了解。I called the realtor to inquire about selling the house.我打电话给该房地产经纪人,咨询卖房子的事。I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.贵方在《泰晤士报》刊登广告,特此致函查询。If I feel any doubt, I inquire.我一感到有疑问就随时询问。Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire about the position.已有数人打电话到人事部询间这个职位的事。A government cannot inquire into religious conviction.政府不可以过问宗教信仰。We must inquire into the matter.我们必须调查此事。A friend of theirs phoned to inquire after them.他们的一个朋友打电话来问候他们。If you need help, inquire within.如需帮助,请入内询问。He never makes it his business to inquire whether you are rich or poor.他从不打听你是富还是穷。I called at his house to inquire after his health.我到他家去向他问候。Why don't you inquire by telephone?你为何不打电话询问? He was summoned to Cuba to inquire into the death of a Russian official.他被召到古巴去调查一位俄罗斯官员的死因。I called to inquire about the schedule.我打电话询问日程安排。Well-known to me the palace you inquire.你要找的那座宫殿,我很熟悉。We rang the hospital again to inquire how the old man was.我们又打电话到医院询问那老人的情况。It was on his tongue to inquire nervously if she enjoyed walking.他一直忐忑不安地想问她是否喜欢散步。I'm going to inquire about train times.我要询问一下列车时刻。Inspectors were appointed to inquire into the affairs of the company.督查员受委派调查该公司的事务。He called me aside to inquire after my daughter.他把我叫到一旁,打听我女儿的情况。Elsie called to inquire after my health.埃尔茜打来电话问我身体如何。A panel has been appointed to inquire into their activities.已指派专家小组调查他们的活动情况。




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