例句 |
The disease destroys much of the inner ear, disturbing the animal's equilibrium.这种疾病破坏动物内耳的大部分组织,妨碍其保持均衡。Fluid moves in the semicircular canals within the bony labyrinth of the inner ear.液体在内耳骨质迷路的半圆形小管内流动。The disease can also cause a build-up of pressure in the inner ear, leading to severe earache.这种疾病还可能导致内耳压力增大,从而造成严重的耳痛。The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.该疾病还会引起内耳的压力增加,从而导致剧烈的耳痛。 |