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词汇 in life
例句 Some people believe in life after death.有些人相信有来世。She shopped for a new wardrobe that would fit her new identity and station in life.她新购置了一批符合她新身份和地位的服装。She lost all sense of purpose in life when her husband died.她丈夫去世后,她的生活毫无目标。Her only purpose in life was to get rich.她唯一的生活目标就是发财致富。Getting by was his main purpose in life.他活着主要就是为了能勉强度日。If your marriage fails it can be difficult to make a new start in life.如果婚姻失败,你的生活可能难以重新开始。It's given him a new sense of purpose in life.这给他的生活带来了全新的方向感。He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak.他认为自己的天职就是保护弱者。You can't always get what you want in life.生活中你不可能总能得到自己想要的。She has been chastened by all kinds of experiences in life.她一生中经历了各种各样的磨难。There are still a lot of things I want to accomplish in life before I finally check out.在去世前,我还有许多事想在有生之年完成。Success came to him early in life.他年轻时就飞黄腾达了。The two friends followed divergent paths in life.这两个朋友走了不同的人生道路。They cannot but accept their portion in life.他们只好安于天命。He only became close to his children late in life.他晚年时才和子女关系亲密起来。All parents want to give their kids a head start in life.所有家长都希望让自己的孩子在人生道路上抢占先机。He eventually became reconciled to his position in life.他最终向自己的生活处境妥协了。Even people who start exercising quite late in life notice considerable benefits.就连在晚年才开始锻炼的人也发现好处相当大。I had always impressed upon the children that if they worked hard they would succeed in life.我总让孩子们牢记努力工作就会成功。We want to provide our child with the best start in life.我们想给孩子最好的开始。My father gave him his start in life.我的父亲帮他开创了事业。I'm not going to prevent you getting a head start in life.我不会阻止你为人生争取起步优势。He was able to make his way in life despite all these handicaps.尽管有各种不利因素,他仍然获得了成功。Being a parent is one of the great satisfactions in life.为人父母是人生中的一大乐趣。His character has been moulded more by his experiences in life than by his education.在他性格的形成上,他所受的教育不如他的生活经历所起的影响大。He recoils from everything in life that demands hard work.生活中凡是需要付出努力的事,他都拖拖拉拉的。The program is designed to help children who have been dealt a cruel hand in life. 这个方案旨在帮助那些在生活中遭遇不幸的孩子们。He lost all interest in life and became a mere shell of a man.他对生活失去一切兴趣,成了一个空躯壳了。You can use this power to better your condition in life.你可以运用这个权力来提高你的生活地位。He became famous later in life. = He became famous in later life.他在晚年时出了名。It was not their lot in life to have children.他们没有生孩子的命。He became famous relatively late in life. 他出名相对较晚。His two great interests in life are music and painting.他生活中的两大兴趣是音乐和绘画。I don't think young people's primary aim in life is to get drunk.我觉得年轻人生活的主要目标并不是一醉方休。Nothing in life surpasses that.世上没有东西可超过那个。The ties of kinship may have helped the young man find his way in life.亲情可能帮这个年轻人找到了生活的方向。Early in life she was convinced she wanted to be a composer.早年的时候,她很确定自己想成为一名作曲家。Unhappy with her lot in life, she moved to the city to start over.由于对处境不满,她搬到城里重新开始。His parents gave him a good start in life.父母给他的人生开了个好头。He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil.他认为自己毕生的使命就是保护弱者不受邪恶势力的欺凌。




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