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词汇 propriety
例句 I doubt the propriety of such a remark.我怀疑这样的话是否得体。His marriage and family life is a model of propriety.他的婚姻和家庭生活都是规规矩矩的。He was judged to have behaved with propriety throughout.他被认为自始至终举止得体。Their sense of social propriety is eroded.他们的社交礼仪意识淡薄。They conducted themselves with propriety.他们行事规矩得体。They were recalled to a sense of propriety by the presence of visitors.宾客莅临提醒他们行为应当得体。I doubt the propriety of refusing his request.我觉得拒绝他的要求恐怕不合适。The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.经理坚持说集资方式是完全正当的。They had known each other for seven years or more, and they hadn't once strayed beyond the bounds of propriety.他们相识大概七年多了,一直守之以礼。She's undone one more button than propriety would deem decent, revealing a glimpse of cleavage.她少扣了一个扣子,若隐若现地露出乳沟,这在礼节上被认为不雅。They debated the propriety of the punishment that he was given.他们就他所受惩罚的正当性进行了辩论。She was careful always to behave with propriety.她时刻注意行为得体。They discussed the propriety of treating ill children against the wishes of the parents.他们讨论了违背父母愿望治疗患病儿童的做法是否妥当。For the sake of propriety off she went to kirk.碍于礼节她才去教堂。She doubted the propriety of letting him buy her presents.她拿不准让他为她买礼物是否得体。In male company, perhaps he did overstep the bounds of propriety.在清一色男性的公司里,可能他的举止确实有失得体。




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