例句 |
The coast is dotted with tiny inlets.一个个小水湾点缀着海岸。There are several sheltered inlets along the coast.沿着海岸线有几处有天然屏障的水湾。As air passes over the metal body, or flows through air inlets, it becomes positively charged.空气经过金属体或从进气口通过,就会带正电。Lake Powell's irregular coastline has many unspoiled beaches and secluded inlets.在鲍威尔湖曲折的湖岸线上,有许多原始的沙滩和僻静的小港。Many tiny inlets indent the coast. 海岸边有许多小水湾。The fleet were too deep of draught to enter small rivers and inlets.那船队的船只吃水太深,不能进入小河和浅湾。 |