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词汇 step forward
例句 For some reason, and with untypical boldness, she took a step forward and walked into the room.出于某种原因,她以出人意料的勇气向前跨出一步走进了房间。Bill took two steps forward and shook Mark's hand.比尔上前两步与马克握了手。Union leaders hailed the socialists' victory as a huge step forward.工会领袖将社会党人的胜利称为一个巨大的进步。The new law on drunk driving is being seen as a major step forward.禁止酒后驾车的新法律的出台被视为一大进步。She took two quick steps forward and struck him across the mouth.她向前紧走两步,上去扇了他一嘴巴。It is our firm conviction that a step forward has been taken.我们坚信已经向前迈进了一步。When he tried to step forward his path was blocked by two guards.当他试着向前迈进一步的时候,被两个卫兵拦住了去路。She took a small step forward.她向前迈了一小步。He took a step forward and she nervously backed away.他上前一步,她紧张地后退。The offer constitutes a considerable step forward.这项提议是一个重大进展。The new microchip is a major step forward in computer technology.这种新的芯片是电脑技术的一个重大进步。Zoe took a step forward to let the man pass.佐薇向前走一步,让那男子过去。He took a step forward.他朝前走了一步。He threw an arm round my shoulder and nursed me step by step forward.他伸出一只手臂抱住我的肩膀,扶我一步一步往前走。She took another small step forward.她又向前走了一小步。The discovery of penicillin was a major step forward in the treatment of infections.青霉素的发现在治疗感染方面是一个重大进展。He took a few experimental steps forward, then carefully took the descending steps.他向前试探地走了几步,然后小心翼翼地向下走去。Police are appealing for witnesses to step forward.警方呼吁目击者主动站出来。No one is sure whether this plan will work, but it's a step forward.没人说得清这个计划是否会奏效,但它确实是一个进步。Richard had the presence of mind to step forward and pick it up.理查德镇定自若地走向前去把它捡了起来。I saw him step forward momentarily but then hang back, nervously massaging his hands.我看到他走上前,但很快又缩了回来,紧张地搓着手。Mankind made a big step forward with the invention of the computer.随着计算机的发明,人类向前跨进了一大步。We seemed to be taking three steps forward and one step back.我们似乎进三步就要退一步。




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