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词汇 cash
例句 I am not sure if we eventually stumped up enough cash to get out of the trouble.我不能肯定为摆脱这件麻烦事我们出的钱是不是总算够了。Schools will be given cash allocations per student.学校将按学生人数得到现金拨款。The winning designers will receive cash awards.获胜的设计师将获得现金奖励。The cash was eventually traced to a prominent Paris lawyer.这笔现金最终追查到巴黎一名著名的律师身上。We started out making cash registers, but have diversified into computer systems of all sorts.我们开始时生产收银机,但后来扩大经营范围,生产各种电脑系统。Restructuring and pension costs will constrain cash flow.重组和养老金费用会限制现金流。Do you have any spare cash/change? 你有多余的现金/零钱吗?An injection of cash is needed to fund some of these projects.需要现金投入来资助这其中的一些项目。There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque at a branch other than your own.如在别的分行兑现支票,也有类似的收费。Most banks in the United States participate in a clearing house where they can cash each other's checks.美国的大多数银行都参加票据交换所,在那里兑现彼此的支票。The cashier was called to account for the missing cash.出纳员被要求对这笔遗失的现金作出解释。In terms of cash outlay, the sum is peanuts.从花费来看,这笔钱乃区区小数。A French-based pharmaceuticals company ran into cash-flow problems and faced liquidation.法国的一家制药公司陷入资金周转问题,面临清算的危机。He's never been particularly free with his cash.他花钱从不会大手大脚。You can pay for your purchase in one/either of two ways: by cash or by credit card.购物付款可用两种支付方式之一:现金或信用卡。Carry extra cash for taxis, tips and other incidentals.另外再带些现金用来坐出租车、付小费和其他一些临时开支。You can't stay in business without cash.没有现金,你无法运营。The fine may be paid by check or in cash.罚款可以用支票或现金支付。He did not cash in his shares.他没有将股票变现。The UN is facing a cash crunch.联合国面临着现金短缺问题。The man tried to seize the cash tin.这个男人试图把钱罐抢到手。The cash crop would sustain them through the lean times.经济作物能帮助他们度过荒季。They want to limit the amount of cash available.他们想限制可用现金的数额。I don't have much cash at the moment. Could I pay you next week?我手头钱不多,下周付给你行吗?You'd get a discount for paying cash.现金付款有折扣。I'm able to lay my hands on any amount of cash at a minute's notice.多少钱我都可以马上弄到。The coupons are redeemable for cash at the shop.这种赠券可在该店换取商品。We'll have to pay cash for the tickets.我们得用现金买票。All the bills had the same serial number. The cash was counterfeit.所有钞票的序列号都是一样的。这些钱是伪钞。Take the money for stamps out of petty cash.从小额现金里拿出钱来买邮票。He was shot in the head and knew he was going to cash in.他头部中弹,知道自己就要报销了。The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.该团伙最后携大量现金和珠宝逃之夭夭。Hors d'oeuvres will be served during the reception and a cash bar will be available.欢迎会上会有开胃小菜供应,也会有售酒柜台提供服务。We believe she may have played a part in hiding the cash.我们认为她可能参与了藏匿现金。The deposit has to be paid in cash or by draft.保证金必须用现金或汇票支付。The drugs are sold for hard cash.毒品以现金出售。I paid the bill in cash.我用现金付了账。We don't accept cheques; we want cash on the barrelhead.我们不收支票,要现钞。Your attorney may advise you to accept a cash settlement.你的律师也许会建议你接受现金赔偿解决此事。He needs cash to pay off his creditors.他需要现金来还钱给债主。




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