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He enjoyed exaggerating his infamy.他喜欢夸大他的恶行。For the relatives of those who had died in the war, the final infamy was the pardoning of the draft-dodgers.对于那些阵亡者的亲属来说,最令其切齿的就是原谅逃避兵役者。Perhaps they were seeking immortality through infamy.也许他们在通过作恶谋求不朽。The president described the attack as "a day that will live in infamy".总统将那次袭击称为“永远的国耻日”。Public disgrace and infamy would be sure to follow.当众受辱和声名狼藉肯定会接踵而至。He never escaped the infamy his crimes had earned him.他罪行累累,声名狼藉,永远洗刷不清。Traitors are held in infamy.卖国者为人所不齿。 |