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词汇 vague
例句 Since the officers knew little themselves their reassurances were necessarily vague.这些官员自己都不明就里,他们的保证自然空洞浮泛。His eyes were always so vague when he looked at her.他看她的眼神总是那么暧昧。In the distance, they could just make out the vague outline of a large animal.在远处他们只能看出一只大型动物的模糊轮廓。The borders were vague and ill-defined.边界模糊不清,界定不明。The references in the book were too vague to follow up.这本书的参考文献字迹模糊,无法了解其更多信息。He responded with a vague gesture in the direction of the beach.他朝着海滩的方向含糊地打了个手势以示回答。Her shoulders lifted in a vague shrug.她微微耸了耸肩。There's little more than a vague approximation to the truth in their story.他们的新闻报道一点也不真实。He was conscious of that vague feeling of irritation again.他再次感到有点儿恼火。We think such information should be made explicit and not left vague.我们认为这样的信息应表达清楚,不应该含糊其词。I have only a vague memory of what happened.我对发生的事情只有一点儿模糊的记忆。It is a film made by one of the old guard rather than by a member of the nouvelle vague.这是一部守旧派摄制的影片,并非新浪潮派的作品。Mr Christopher's answer was deliberately vague.克里斯托弗先生故意回答得含糊其词。I'm quite vague about what happened.我对发生的事很不了解。The terms of the agreement were left deliberately vague.协议的条款故意写得很含糊。I have only a vague recollection of sunshine and sand.我只隐约记得有阳光和沙滩。The wording is so vague that no one actually knows what it means.措辞十分模糊,谁也不知道究竟是什么意思。Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action.民主党领导人在选举压力下往往用一些含糊其词的行动承诺来予以回应。I had heard vague rumours that they were getting married.我隐约听到传闻,说他们就要结婚了。We've left the course deliberately vague, so there's room to concentrate on your particular areas of interest.我们有意不把课程安排得很明确,以使你们能专心研究自己感兴趣的课题。The President's hopes for the country were high-minded, but too vague.总统对国家的期望是很高尚的,但却过于模糊。I talked to myself a lot, and hallucinated vague things.我常常自言自语,而且,一些模模糊糊的东西在幻觉里出现。Everything looked vague in the heavy fog.在浓雾中,一切东西看上去都很模糊。Thoughts without words are vague and shaggy.不用言语表达的思想是模糊又凌乱的。They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.他们只是大概知道可用水的总量。She felt a vague unease.她感到莫名的不安。When I asked him what they talked about, he was rather vague. 当我问到他们在谈什么时,他说得含糊其辞。A lot of the talk was apparently vague and general.很多话明显是些含糊的泛泛之论。She gave him a vague look.她神情茫然地看了他一眼。He was a small man with vague eyes.他身材矮小,眼睛没有表情。Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure.透过雾霭,我只能看到一个模糊的身影。The description was pretty vague.描述相当模糊。I've only got a vague idea of what he wants for this project.他做这个项目的目的,我只隐约知道一点。He gave a cagey, vague answer to my question.他小心翼翼,含糊其词地回答了我的问题。He was rather vague about the reasons why he never finished school.他对自己没有完成学业的理由含糊其辞。The phrasing of the question was vague.在这个问题上措词模糊。She had a vague job scouting new talent for Universal.她以前的工作职责不大明确,大概是为环球影片公司发掘新人。The patient had complained of vague pains and backache.患者自述说隐约感到疼痛和背酸。She had a vague idea of finding Sam and explaining it all to him.她隐约觉得要去找萨姆,向他解释所发生的一切。There have been vague rumours of a coup.隐隐约约谣传有政变。




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