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I can only vaguely remember it.我只隐约记得那件事。She only nodded vaguely in reply to my question.她只是漫不经心地点了下头,算是回答了我的问题。She was singing along to a tune on the radio that sounded vaguely familiar.她在跟着收音机里的一段听起来有些熟悉的曲调唱歌。She still felt vaguely troubled by it all.她仍然对这一切隐约有些忧心。He looked vaguely around the room, his mind elsewhere.他茫然地看了看屋子四周,脑子里想着别的事。Gabriel vaguely reminds me of my father.加布里埃尔有点儿让我想起自己的父亲。She felt vaguely flattered at the suggestion.她对这样的提议感觉有点儿受宠若惊。I felt vaguely disturbed by the incident.这件事让我感到隐约有些不安。His statement was very vaguely worded.他的声明措词十分含糊。He wrote vaguely and impressionistically about his life.对于他的人生经历,他只是轻描淡写,一笔带过。They murmured something vaguely when I asked how long they had been there.我问他们到了有多久了,他们含含糊糊地咕哝了一句什么。She looked vaguely around her and said: "I think I'm lost."她茫然地环顾四周,说道:「我可能迷路了。」 They issued a vaguely worded statement.他们发表了一份措辞含混不清的声明。He saw vaguely the ship he had deserted uprising before him.他隐约看见他所丢弃的船在他面前升了起来。She looked vaguely surprised at my remark.看来她听了我的话有些吃惊。Arnold felt vaguely embarrassed.阿诺德感到有点儿尴尬。I was vaguely aware of another figure by the door.我隐约意识到门边还有一个人。He waved a hand vaguely in the air.他的手在空中心不在焉地挥了挥。He vaguely resembles a guy I knew in college.他有点像我上大学时认识的一个人。I do vaguely remember, now that Kerry mentions it, that Pete was at the party.克丽提起了我才隐约想起来,皮特是参加了那次聚会。I wondered vaguely whether Robert could be the murderer.我有点儿纳闷,不知道罗伯特是否是杀人凶手。There was something vaguely disturbing about the whole incident.整个事件让人略有不安。He vaguely remembered meeting her in a club the night of the concert.他隐约记得开音乐会那个晚上在一个俱乐部里遇见过她。I know her vaguely - we've exchanged hellos a few times.我对她不太熟悉——我们只是打过几次招呼。There was a sweetish smell, vaguely reminiscent of coffee.有一股甜咝咝的气味,使人隐隐觉着像是咖啡。I vaguely remember their house.我依稀记得他们的房子。The voice on the line was vaguely familiar, but Crook couldn't place it at first.电话里的声音有点儿熟悉,但是克鲁克一开始想不起来到底是谁。He looked vaguely around the room as he spoke, his mind elsewhere.他边说话边茫然地打量着房间,心不在焉的样子。I vaguely recognized his voice, but couldn't think of his name.我能大致听出他的声音,但想不起他的名字。Most farm workers were only vaguely aware that there was a storm on its way.绝大多数农场工人只是隐约感觉到一场风暴将要来临。Bob, who'd been a vet in the army, vaguely remembered how to use a tourniquet.鲍勃曾经在军队里当过兽医,隐约记得如何使用止血带。The animals make a strange sound, vaguely resembling the bark of a dog.这些动物会发出很奇怪的声响,与狗叫声略微有点相似。He vaguely remembered his mother talking about it.他模模糊糊地记得他母亲谈过此事。They talked vaguely about the need for reform.他们笼统地谈了改革的必要性。He had talked vaguely of going to work in Japan.他含糊其词地说了到日本工作的事。He gestured vaguely towards / toward the house.他含混地指了指那房子。The landscape looked vaguely familiar.这景色看上去有些似曾相识。He smiled vaguely at the ceiling.他对着天花板茫然失笑。When he asked where the children were, she gestured vaguely in the direction of the beach.他问她孩子们在哪里,她心不在焉地朝沙滩方向指了一下。He had a vaguely disreputable appearance.他看上去有些不那么体面。 |