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词汇 indirect
例句 The job losses were an indirect result of lower cost imports.失业是低成本进口货造成的间接后果。Negotiations between the enemies are of necessity indirect.敌对双方之间的谈判必然是间接进行的。The goods went by a rather indirect route.这些货物运输时走了一条非常迂回的路线。Looking at her watch was her indirect way of telling him it was time to leave.她看了看表,委婉地提示他该走了。So far the evidence is only indirect.目前的证据仅仅是间接的。The observation of black holes in space must rely on indirect methods.对太空中黑洞的观察必须依靠间接方法。There will be substantial indirect benefits to the population.这会间接地给大众带来实质性的利益。She would not say yes or no, but gave an indirect answer to my question.她既不肯说是,也不肯说不是,而是给我一个转弯抹角的回答。He made several indirect references to his opponent.他有几次隐晦地提到他的对手。We took an indirect route.我们绕道而行。He gave only vague, indirect answers to our questions.他对我们的提问仅给出了含糊的、间接的回答。His remarks amounted to an indirect appeal for economic aid.他的话实际上就是拐弯抹角地请求经济援助。With an indirect free kick, you obviously have to pass before you can shoot.在罚间接任意球时,球必须先传出,才能射门。We walk to town by a road that is indirect, but very pleasant.我们循一条曲折迂回却颇给人快意的通路步行去镇上。The government carried out part of its programme by shifting the fiscal burden from direct to indirect taxation.政府通过将财政负担从直接课税转为间接课税来实施其部分方案。We took an indirect route to the town.我们循一条迂回曲折的通路去镇上。There were many indirect references to his earlier books.有许多对他早期著作的间接引用。There were indirect references to his opponent.隐晦提到了他的反对者。Researchers are getting the information through an indirect route.研究人员正在从间接渠道获取信息。George's comments were an indirect way of blaming me.乔治的评论转弯抹角地指责了我。The goods went by a rather indirect route.货物运输时走了一条迂回曲折的路线。The benefits from pure research are often indirect.纯理论研究带来的益处常常是间接的。The help that the government gives the industry amounts to an indirect subsidy.政府给予这项产业的支持无异于一笔间接补贴。Millions could die of hunger as an indirect result of the war.作为战争的间接后果,数百万人可能会死于饥饿。An indirect benefit of a night light is a feeling of safety.夜里点灯带来的间接好处是有了安全感。His influence has been profound, but it has been indirect.他的影响是深远的,但不是直接的。Since he left his wife Rick has only had indirect contact with his children.里克自从离开了妻子以后,与孩子们只能间接联系了。Joan's answer was typically indirect.琼的答复一如既往地闪烁其词。We took an indirect but scenic route through the mountains.我们选取了一条迂回但风景优美的路线穿过了这些山。Her promotion may have an indirect effect on the morale of other employees.她的提升可能会间接影响到其他雇员的士气。The government may put an indirect tax on books.政府可以对图书征收间接税。The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them.温室气体的增加是污染造成的直接后果,而间接后果是大气吸收温室气体的能力下降。The main indirect tax in the UK is the Value-Added Tax.英国主要的间接税是增值税。Journalists always have indirect channels for getting information.记者们总有得到消息的间接渠道。In selling there is a broad division into direct and indirect methods.销售可大致分为直接销售和间接销售。These plants grow best in bright indirect light/sun.这些植物在明亮的间接光线/阳光下生长得最好。The cigarette stubs were indirect evidence that someone had been smoking in the room.烟蒂是有人曾在这个房间里吸烟的间接证据。Poor nutrition may have been an indirect cause of the disease.营养不良可能是这种病的间接起因。He made only indirect references to his opponent.他只是拐弯抹角地提到了他的对手。An indirect flight from Rome to Marseilles would be cheaper.罗马到马赛的非直达航班会比较便宜。




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