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词汇 黑暗中
例句 She peered into the gloom, but she couldn't see where the noise was coming from.她努力朝黑暗中看去,但就是辨不出声响是从哪儿传来的。A figure emerged from the murk. 一个人影从黑暗中浮现出来。A light gleamed in the darkness.黑暗中突然出现一道亮光。I saw a vague shape in the dark.黑暗中,我看到了一个模糊的影子。The darkness saved me from being riddled with bullets.身处黑暗中,我得以免遭被子弹打得千疮百孔。We lost sight of them in the gloom.黑暗中我们看不见他们了。He hurried into the hall, banging his shin against a chair in the darkness.他匆匆步入大厅,黑暗中小腿撞到了一把椅子上。He hauled himself out of his bed and hulked off into the blackness.他费力地从床上下来,拖着笨重的脚步向黑暗中走去。Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.营火突然熊熊燃烧起来,就像黑暗中的灯塔。He was just able to discern the road in the dark.黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。The forest is really spooky in the dark.黑暗中的森林真是让人毛骨悚然。In the darkness, he recognised the lumpen outline of a piano.黑暗中,他认出了钢琴庞大模糊的轮廓。Although the picture was taken in near darkness, you can still see her white dress.虽然照片是在近乎黑暗中拍摄的,你依然可以看到她的白色连衣裙。All of a sudden a tall man in a black cloak loomed out of the murk.一位身穿黑斗篷的高大男人突然从黑暗中耸现。A figure appeared out of the darkness.一个人影从黑暗中冒出来。There was only one sliver of light in the darkness.黑暗中只有一点零星的光亮。I tripped over the guy rope of the tent in the dark.黑暗中我被帐篷支索绊倒了。Despair shook him and he screamed silently in the darkness.绝望使他战栗,黑暗中他内心一声悲叹。She staggered blindly off into the darkness.她摸索着摇摇晃晃走入黑暗中My eyes strained to make anything out in the darkness.我睁大眼睛努力辨别着黑暗中的东西。As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.正如他们所说,黑暗中总有一线光明,我们已从所作的决定中汲取了教训。Two figures materialized out of the gloom.两个人影突然从黑暗中走了出来。Suddenly the grotesque figure of the hunchback Quasimodo loomed out of the darkness.驼子卡西莫多的丑陋身影突然从黑暗中隐隐地出现。He nodded toward the distant ship, invisible in the darkness.他朝着远处黑暗中看不到的轮船点点头。The tree stood by itself, a lonely sentinel in the darkness.这棵树孤零零屹立,像黑暗中一个孤单的哨兵。The darkness saved me from being riddled with bullets.身处黑暗中让我不至于被子弹打得浑身是洞。Her eyes seemed to glow in the darkness.黑暗中她的双眼似乎在闪光。We lost our companions amid the storm and the darkness.在暴风雨和黑暗中,我们失去了伙伴。I heard a fox bark in the dark.黑暗中我听到狐狸叫。In the darkness he stumbled his shin against the bed post.黑暗中他的小腿绊在了床柱上。




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