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例句 He gave no indication of a timetable for the approval of the changes.他没有给出批准这些变革的时间表。There was no clinical indication for such a test.没有进行这种检测的临床指征。There was no indication that hostile fire was involved in Saturday's crash.没有迹象表明敌军的火力和周六的飞机坠毁有关。I cannot come to a decision about it now or even give any indication of my own views.现在我无法对此作出决定,甚至就连自己是什么观点也不能作任何暗示。There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.他去世前并未出现呼吸困难或意识不清的迹象。His actions for some weeks have given indication of queerness.几个星期以来,他的行为有一些古怪。Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.深绿色的树叶充分表明树的根部状态良好。His early successes gave some indication of his ability.他早年的成功多少显示了他的能力。He searched Hill's impassive face for some indication that he understood.他盯着希尔毫无表情的面孔,寻找着些许表示他已明白的迹象。A government spokesperson said they had no indication who was responsible for the attack.政府发言人说没有迹象表明谁应对此次袭击事件负责。There was no indication of forced entry to the building.没有强行闯入大楼的迹象。The report should give you a rough indication of the company's stock market performance over the past year.报告大概反映了公司过去一年里的股市表现。Her tone of voice gave no indication of how she interpreted the poem.从她的语调听不出她是如何理解这首诗的。I cannot give any indication of my own views.我不能透露我的任何想法。Uprooted trees and twisted signposts give some indication of the destruction caused.连根拔起的树木和扭曲的指示牌让我们对造成的破坏有了一点了解。There's every indication that the strike will end soon. 种种迹象表明这场罢工快要结束了。Some car alarms have no visual indication that they are in operation.有些汽车报警器从外观上看不出是处于工作状态。Once the dose has been increased, the fact that the patient still has symptoms is virtually never taken as an indication to reduce it.一旦剂量加大,即便患者症状仍未消失,也几乎不可能因此减少剂量。Election to the NAE is an indication of professional distinction.当选国家工程院院士表明了专业上的卓越。The letter is a sure indication that she cares.这封信无疑表明她是在乎的。This is a much better indication of what a school is really like.这是显示学校真面貌的一个更加精确的指标。The comments made by management may be taken as an indication of how they felt about their workers.从管理层的言论可以看出他们对工人的看法。The two parties have shown every indication of a willingness to compromise.双方都已明确表示愿意互相作出让步。If your watch is losing time, it's a good indication that your battery is at the end of its life.如果你的手表越走越慢,就很可能意味着你的电池寿命到头了。Her evaluation will give me a good indication of where I stand in the class.她的评价将使我明白我在班里的位置。Sudden or unexplained weight loss may be an early indication of health problems.突然的或原因不明的体重减轻可能表示健康出现问题。He gave us no indication as to what was the matter.他没向我们说明是怎么一回事。The Government must give an indication that there will be a review of taxation.政府必须作出表示会对税收进行审核。If she had noticed her father's entrance, she gave no indication.就算她已经注意到了父亲的到来,她也会不动声色。He swore in Spanish, another indication that he was rattled.他用西班牙语破口大骂,这再次表明了他极为烦躁。He gave his clearest indication yet that he will keep racing.他迄今为止最明确地表示自己会继续竞赛。There's every indication that the operation has been a success.所有迹象都表明手术成功了。Although I received no official indication, I was given to understand that I would be promoted within a year.虽然我没有接到正式通知,但他们让我相信在一年之内我会得到提升。He gave no indication that he was ready to compromise.他丝毫没有妥协的意思。It is an indication of the perplexity of this conflict that there are so many ways of viewing it.这表明了这次冲突的复杂性,即有很多种看待它的方式。There was no indication of a sexual attack.没有迹象显示这是一起强奸案。Rising interest rates were an outward indication of the change in government attitude to economic controls.利率上升是政府改变经济调控态度的外在表现。The Senator returns the blue slip with an indication whether he or she supports or opposes the nominee.参议员交回意见单,上面注明他或她支持还是反对被提名人。He gave every indication of being a fool.他处处显示出是个傻瓜。This is by no means an exhaustive list but it gives an indication of the many projects taking place.这绝称不上是详尽无遗的清单,但是列出了很多正在进行的项目。




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