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词汇 India
例句 A trip to India may be in the wind.也许会有一次印度之行。He had to return to India to look after his mother.他不得不回印度照顾母亲。Today the British press is full of articles on India's new prime minister.今天英国的报纸上登满了关于印度新任总理的文章。Europeans usually need to have a course of injections before travelling to India.欧洲人到印度旅行前通常要接受一个注射疗程。India is now in a better position to mobilize its forces.印度现在更有条件动员军队了。She went to India to find herself.她到印度去寻找真的自我。Like any tourist, I was bowled over by India.像其他游客一样,我深深为印度着迷。He worked his passage from England to India.他靠在船上做工赚取船费才能从英国乘船到印度。India's software companies have prospered by keeping costs to a bare minimum.印度的软件公司繁荣起来是因为他们把成本降到了最低。In India and Bali students learn to vocalize music before ever picking up instruments.在印度和巴厘岛,学生们在开始学习乐器之前要先学习唱歌。There was an airline strike in India, and all our plans fell through at the last minute.印度的航空公司罢工,我们的一切方案在最后关头落空了。I spent six months living in a monastery in northern India, which was a novel experience.我在印度北部的一个寺院里住了六个月,那是从未有过的一次经历。India has witnessed many political changes in recent years.印度近年来经历了很多政治变动。The movie is being made on location in India.这部电影正在印度进行外景拍摄。He talked about the misery of his people in India.他谈到了他的印度同胞的穷困境遇。You're going to India? How exciting!你要去印度?多令人兴奋啊!Western aid has helped to alleviate the situation in northern India.西方的援助已帮助缓和了印度北部的局面。India has been invaded several times in its history.历史上印度曾几次遭到入侵。Although he was educated in India, he went to an English-style boarding school.他虽然是在印度受教育,但他上的是一所英式的寄宿学校。Later he went to India as a missionary.后来,他以传教士的身分去了印度。She lived in India during her girlhood.她在印度度过了少女时代。India won the toss and put England in to bat.抛硬币猜正反面印度队赢了,让英格兰队首先击球。Bombay is the financial hub of India.孟买是印度的金融中心。India's nouveaux riches will now have to pay still higher duties on luxury goods.印度的暴发户现在不得不为奢侈品支付更为高昂的税款。Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan were common.印度和巴基斯坦边境上常常发生小规模战斗。The British East India Tea Company was overextended and faced bankruptcy.英属东印度茶业公司摊子大、开支多,已濒临破产。It's a toss-up between going to India or China.很难选择是去印度还是去中国。India is one of the countries that has great denseness in population.印度是人口高度密集的国家之一。She was born at Ambala, India, her family being closely connected with the Indian army.她出生在印度的安巴拉,她们家族与印度军队关系甚密。Rebellion broke out in India.印度爆发叛乱。The new technologies have made India agriculturally self-sufficient.新技术使印度在农业上达到了自给自足。After India became independent, she chose to be a member of the Commonwealth.印度独立后,自主选择成为英联邦的成员。We talked about our shared experiences of India.我们谈论着我们在印度的共同经历。India's railway system is one of the more positive legacies of the British Raj.印度铁路系统是英国统治时期留下的更具积极意义的遗产之一。Simon spent a year in an ashram in India to find himself.为了寻找真正的自我,西蒙在印度的一处静修所呆了整整一年。India is where I first experienced real culture shock.印度是我最先真正感受到文化冲击的地方。The governor said the earthquake was the worst natural disaster to hit India for over 50 years.省长说这次地震是印度五十多年来所遭遇的最严重的自然灾害。Has the Air India flight come in yet?印度航空公司的航班到了没有?The company lost its monopoly on exporting beer to India.这家公司失去了向印度出口啤酒的专营权。India's population now surpasses that of Africa.印度的人口现已超过非洲。




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