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词汇 indentations
例句 Use a knife to make indentations in the icing.用刀在酥皮上弄些缺口。It has a highly irregular shape, covered in bumps and indentations.它的形状极不规则,到处都是凸起和凹陷。Using a knife make shallow indentations in the pastry.用刀在面团边上轻轻地切几个小口。Her high heels made little indentations in the carpet.她的高跟鞋在地毯上踩出一个个小凹痕。The heels of her shoes had left indentations in the mud.她的鞋跟把泥地踩得坑坑洼洼。Using a knife, make slight indentations around the edges of the pastry.用刀子绕馅饼边沿刻小锯齿。There were several small indentations in the surface of the table.桌面上有几个小凹痕。




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