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词汇 splashed
例句 The next day his exploits were splashed across the front page.第二天他的英勇事迹便浓墨重彩地在头版刊登了出来。She splashed her face with cold water.她往脸上撩了些冷水。She splashed some water over her boots to clean them.擦靴子之前她先在上面洒了点儿水。As he stood on the pavement, muddy water splashed up and dirtied his trousers.他站在人行道上时,泥浆水溅起来弄脏了他的裤子。A passing car splashed her newly-bought dress.一辆开过的汽车把她新买的洋装溅脏了。The wallpaper was splashed with bright colours.墙纸上洒有各种色彩鲜艳的颜料。The rain splashed on the windows.雨水打在窗户上。The rain splashed against the window.雨水劈啪劈啪地打在窗子上。The water splashed out of the tub upon the floor.水从缸里飞溅出来,落在地板上。The children flinched as the cold rain splashed them.冰冷的雨水一浇,孩子们都一激灵。She could hear the voices of her friends as they splashed in a nearby rock pool.她能听见自己的朋友们在附近的小石潭中嬉水的声音。You do not expect to see the most intimate details of your marriage splashed across the pages of the newspapers.人们不想在报纸的显眼位置看到自己婚姻中最隐秘的细节。He knocked over her cup and splashed coffee all over her new dress.他碰翻了她的杯子,溅得她的新裙子上到处都是咖啡。The hot liquid splashed down on the concrete and rebounded.滚烫的液体泼在水泥地面上又溅了起来。The babies splashed around at the shallow end of the pool.小宝宝们在水池浅的那一端戏水。She splashed around in the pool with Mark, rowdily trying to duck him.她和马克在水池中嬉戏,胡闹着要将他按入水中。Water/Mud splashed everywhere.水/泥浆溅得到处都是。The baby splashed the water.那个婴儿拍着水玩。He splashed his face with water.他把水泼到脸上。He splashed cold water on his face.他往自己脸上泼冷水。We splashed out on a bottle of champagne to celebrate her promotion.我们花了很多钱买了瓶香槟以庆祝她得到晋升。The newspaper splashed the story on page one.那家报纸把这件事当头版新闻报导。A passing car splashed my dress.一辆开过的汽车把水溅在我的连衣裙上。The horse splashed across the brook.马溅泼著越过小溪。We splashed out on a new kitchen.我们花了一大笔钱装修新厨房。They splashed through the puddles.他们哗啦哗啦地蹚过水坑。David cupped his hands and splashed the water on to his face.戴维双手捧起水泼在自己脸上。Her clean clothes were all splashed with mud.她的干净衣服溅得到处是泥。The ocean splashed against the pier.海水哗啦哗啦地拍打着码头。He splashed through the ford and began to climb the gradual slope beyond.他哗啦哗啦地蹚过浅滩,然后开始爬上那头的缓坡。I took off my shoes and socks and splashed into the fountain with the other children.我脱下鞋和袜子,和其他孩子一起在喷泉里戏水。The gliders and their pilots splashed into the lake and had to be fished out.滑翔机连同驾驶员都扑通一声栽进了湖里,只能被捞出来。She slammed the cup down, and coffee splashed all over him.她砰地把杯子放下,里面的咖啡溅了他一身。She splashed out $1500 on a camera.她满不在乎地花一千五百美元买了一架照相机。Last year Roberts splashed out more than £1 million to buy a new home.去年,罗伯茨花了一百多万英镑买了栋新房子。He dropped the bottle and bleach splashed onto the floor.他把瓶子弄掉了,漂白粉洒了一地。The green water splashed and foamed over the rocks.碧绿的水花四溅,岩石上满是泡沫。A small fountain splashed musically in the courtyard.院子里一个小小的喷泉喷着水,发出悦耳的声音。He splashed his way across the brook.他蹚水走过小溪。The newspapers splashed the story all over their front pages.各家报纸都以整个头版醒目地刊登了这一报道。




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