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词汇 splashing
例句 The boys were splashing around and ducking each other in the pool.男孩子们在游泳池里击水打闹,并按住对方往水里压。The children were splashing in the puddles.孩子们踩溅着水洼中的水。The kids were splashing on paint with abandon.孩子们任意地泼洒着颜料。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。She doesn't mind splashing out.她不在乎乱花钱。Water was splashing from a hole in the roof.水从屋顶的洞里泼溅下来。Lorries rumbled past them, splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road.大卡车从他们身旁轰隆隆开过,把路上坑凹里的脏水溅到了他们身上。We could hear the waves splashing against the side of the boat.我们能听到海浪拍打船舷的声音。A motorcycle sped past, splashing all the spectators with mud.一辆摩托车飞驰而过,把所有观众都溅了一身泥。She doesn't mind splashing her money about.她满不在乎地大手大脚花钱。The dog was splashing through the waves.那条狗正拍着水浪游过来。Tiny frogs hopped away at my approach, splashing into mossy pools.我一靠近,小青蛙们就跳进了长满苔藓的池塘里,溅起水花。He was having a wash, bending over the basin and splashing his face.他正在洗脸,俯向脸盆往脸上泼水。He was bending over the basin and splashing his face.他俯在脸盆上,用水泼脸。The babies have a good time splashing about in the pool.孩子们在游泳池里嬉水打闹,玩得很高兴。The kids were playing around in the pool, splashing each other.小孩子在泳池里到处玩,互相泼水。I asked him several times to stop splashing the water around.我几次要求他不要再泼水了。The baby was splashing happily in the bathtub.宝宝在浴盆中欢快地泼着水。They ran about with hoses, splashing water everywhere.他们拿着软管跑来跑去,把水泼洒得到处都是。Nick was only a few feet away now, splashing toward her.尼克现在只有几英尺远了,哗啦哗啦地蹚着水走向她。He was splashing and struggling out of his depth.他在自己力所不及的深水里拍打着水挣扎着。Children love splashing through puddles.孩子们爱踩溅过水洼。Lorries rumbled past, splashing them with muddy water.卡车隆隆驶过,溅了他们一身泥水。The sea was splashing up onto the road as we passed by.我们路过时,海浪飞溅到了路上。She ran up the drive, splashing through the puddles.她加大油门,溅着水花从水坑里驶过。The children were splashing around in the river.孩子们在河里啪啦啪啦地玩水。He heard the sounds of splashing water and glanced at the door to the bathroom.他听到水泼溅的声音,就看了一眼浴室的门。Water began splashing over the side of the boat.水开始溅落在船的侧面。A lot of people were in the water, swimming or simply splashing about.水里有很多人在游泳或只是在戏水玩耍。Cars are driven through the mess, splashing everyone in range.车从脏水里驶过,溅了周围所有人一身水。




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