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词汇 incapable
例句 He's a pompous old prig who's totally incapable of taking a joke.他是个傲慢自负的老头,根本开不起玩笑。Many youngsters who've been brought up in care are often incapable of looking after themselves.许多在收养所长大的青少年往往都没有自理能力。Computers are incapable of creative thought.计算机没有创造性思维能力。Mike seems to be quite incapable of keeping to the point.迈克讲话好像非要离题不可。He was incapable of sustaining close relationships with women.他无法和女人维持亲密关系。The massacre was never fully investigated because the police were incapable of carrying out the task.对这场大屠杀从没有展开过全面的调查,原因是警方没有能力执行这个任务。He is constitutionally incapable of sitting still for more than a minute. 他天生就是个一刻都坐不住的人。Hawkins was incapable of concealing how he felt from his close friends.霍金斯无法对他的好朋友掩饰他的感受。He is living/laboring under the delusion that he is incapable of making mistakes.他一直生活/工作在自己不会犯错的荒谬想法中。He was a man incapable of violence.他不是个会施暴的人。He seems quite incapable of concentrating for a few minutes on end.他似乎完全做不到连续几分钟时间集中注意力。She was incapable of putting first things first.她处理事情不会分轻重缓急。He is constitutionally incapable of lying.他天生就不会撒谎。He is incapable of being unkind to people.他不会对人粗暴刻薄。He seemed incapable of understanding the seriousness of the situation.他似乎不能理解局势的严重性。He was constitutionally incapable of dealing with conflict.他天生处理不了冲突。He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one.他分不清主意的好坏。He's constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret.他天生就不能很好地保守秘密。It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them if they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上说,如果老年人生活不能自理,可以指定某个人作为自己的代理。I am morally certain that he is incapable of deliberately harming anyone.我可以肯定他是不会故意伤害他人的。Many youngsters who've been brought up in care are often incapable of looking after themselves when they leave.许多由福利院扶养大的小孩子离开后往往不能自己料理生活。This bicycle is incapable of repair.这辆自行车已没法修了。It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。His honesty made him incapable of lying.他的诚实使他不能撒谎。She seemed incapable of taking decisions.她似乎无法作出决定。He was apparently physically incapable of lowering his voice.看来他就是天生大嗓门,根本低不下来。They are incapable of thinking intelligently about politics.他们对政治没有什么高见。He lost his job for allegedly being incapable.据说他因不能胜任而丢掉了工作。Who will look after your affairs if you become mentally incapable?如果你精神失常的话,谁来照看你的事务?He is incapable of letting the slightest affront to his pride go unrevenged.就连对他自尊心的极轻微冒犯,他都不能不加以报复。She seemed incapable of forming any relationships.她似乎难以与人建立起任何关系。The wine had made him incapable of thinking clearly.葡萄酒下肚,他就无法清醒地思考了。Many superb doctors are incapable of communicating in layman's terms.许多杰出的医生都不能以通俗易懂的语言进行交流。An employer cannot afford to hire incapable workers.雇主不能雇用无能的工人。He was incapable of avoiding fornication and hard drinking.他无法摆脱淫乱和酗酒行为。Within an hour he was half seas over and incapable of getting home by himself.不到一个小时他就醉了,没法独自回家。He seemed incapable of understanding how she felt.他看起来不能理解她的感受。Nero was a cruel man, utterly incapable of pity or sympathy.尼禄是个残忍的家伙,没有一点儿怜悯心和同情心。His injury was severe but not such as to leave him incapable of work.他的伤是很严重,但不足以使他丧失劳动能力。Matthew seemed to be incapable of keeping a job.马修似乎总保不住工作。




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