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词汇 眼看就要
例句 She was losing the race but she came from behind and is now in front.眼看就要输掉比赛了,但她迎头赶上,现已经跑到了前面。They sparred for a moment, on the brink of a full fight.他们互相推搡了一会儿,眼看就要大打出手了。The roof seems on the point of falling in.屋顶眼看就要塌下来了。We're in serious danger of becoming a nation of worriers.我们眼看就要成为一个动不动就杞人忧天的民族了。We are heading for a crisis, with cash-starved councils forced to cut back on vital community services.资金紧张的市政会不得不削减主要社区服务项目经费,我们眼看就要陷入危机。For weeks the affair threatened to be a cesspit of scandal.几个星期来,这一事件眼看就要成为丑闻的滋生源。She went away disappointed after getting tantalisingly close to breaking the record.眼看就要破纪录却功亏一篑,她只能失望地离开。We are almost to the top of the mountain; let's not weaken now.我们眼看就要到山顶了,可不要松劲。They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them.冬天眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。




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