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例句 Our business is expanding in all directions.我们的业务正在全方位扩展。You can't in all seriousness think they'll give you the job!别真以为他们会给你这份工作!I think he excelled himself in all aspects of his game.我认为他在比赛的各方面都超常发挥了。The speech was reported in full in all the newspapers.各家报纸都全文登载这篇讲话。Civilians were fleeing in all directions.老百姓正在四处逃散。Mice scattered in all directions when a cat appeared.猫一出现鼠群就四处逃散。The perfume has been advertised in all the major women's magazines.这种香水在所有主要的女性杂志上都做了广告。Joe figured in all our touchdowns.在我们所有的触地得分中,乔都起了作用。The queen was seated on the throne in all her majesty.女王威严地坐在王座上。She believed in temperance in all things.她主张凡事应适可而止。The fortress was ditched in all around.要塞周围挖了壕沟。It's the end of the doctrine in all but name.这实际上已是该学说的终结,只是未被道明罢了。I've looked in all the cupboards and I still can't find it.我已经找遍了所有的橱柜,可还是找不到它。Working has a very important place in all our lives.工作在我们的生命中占据重要位置。The story is the same in all her books/movies/plays.她所有的书/电影/戏剧情节都一个样。I've never seen anything so strange in all my born days.我一辈子都没见过这么奇怪的事情。The scandal appeared in all the dailies.这一丑闻出现在所有的日报上。I see no reason, in all seriousness, why women should not become priests.说实在的,我当真不知道妇女为什么不可以当牧师。Drug abuse is a problem in every stratum of society. = Drug abuse is a problem in all social strata.吸毒是所有社会阶层都有的问题。I must admit, in all honesty, that progress has not been as fast as we had hoped.老实说,我必须承认,进展不如我们此前期望的那么快。She will, in all probability, have left before we arrive.她十有八九会在我们到达之前就已经离开了。Reform in all these areas is long overdue.所有这些方面早就该改革了。Religious education is compulsory in all English schools.在英国的所有学校里都必须接受宗教教育。A few seconds after the explosion the street was full of panic-stricken people, fleeing in all directions.爆炸发生几秒钟后,街上全都是惊慌失措、四处逃散的人。Civilians were fleeing in all directions as soldiers yelled at them to get off the streets.听到士兵大叫着让他们从街上撤离,平民百姓们纷纷四处逃散。There is considerable variability in all the test scores.所有测试成绩都有很大的不确定性。Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总,一应俱全。He hates delay and procrastination in all its forms.他憎恶一切形式的拖延和耽搁。Be true to yourself in all things.任何时候都要坚持按自己的想法做。His latest album is available in all formats.他的最新唱片各种制式都有。She was a true friend in all senses of the word.从任何意义上说她都是真正的朋友。He was there in all his glory. 他在那里一副踌躇满志的样子。If the pool was open, we'd in all probability still be swimming in it.如果游泳池还开着,我们完全可能还在里面游泳。There is not a woman in all the world but would prefer death to such a nuptial.世上任何一个女人宁死也不愿接受这样的婚礼。The meat in all of the open flasks putrefied.所有开口瓶中的肉都腐烂了。The government is pushing through legislation to ban smoking in all public places.政府正在力促通过立法,禁止在公共场所吸烟。We must consider a problem in all its aspects.我们必须全面地考虑问题。She could not in all conscience remain silent.凭良心,她不能再保持沉默了。He was king in all but name.除了在名义上,他在其他各方面都是一国之主。Retailers were hit with a blizzard of new products and brands in all shapes, sizes and colours.各种形色不一、大小各异的新产品和新品牌铺天盖地,让零售商们疲于应付。




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