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词汇 textbooks
例句 There were never enough textbooks to go around.教科书从来都不够用。Parents complain that none of the money set aside for the school has been spent on textbooks.家长投诉说拨给学校的那笔钱没有一分用在教科书上。His composition is full of cribs from textbooks.他的作文尽是一些从教科书上抄来的字句。Students from countries as diverse as Colombia and Lithuania use Cambridge textbooks.来自哥伦比亚、立陶宛等不同国家的学生都在使用剑桥的课本。I can't get hold of any of the college textbooks he recommended.他推荐的那几本大学教材,我一本都找不到。He is a contributing author to many school textbooks.他是许多教科书的撰稿人。Some of our textbooks are starting to look rather tatty.我们的一些课本看上去越来越破了。Japan's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks.日本文部省下令实行这项改革,以鼓励学生从课本中走出来。It's no use just parroting textbooks.只是重复书本是没有用的。He has enough money to cover tuition, but he can't afford to buy the textbooks he needs.他的钱够付学费,但他买不起所需的课本。You can get a theoretical knowledge of angling from textbooks.你可以从教科书上得到关于垂钓的理论知识。I sat down with my textbooks and a nice sharp pencil.我拿着课本和一支好用的尖头铅笔坐下来。After plowing through so many huge textbooks it was a relief to pick up a novel again.费力地看了那么多又厚又重的教科书后,再拿起一本小说真是轻松。The grant covers the costs of tuition, fees and textbooks.助学金够付学费和课本费。As well as textbooks and other printed matter, courses may include video and audio cassettes.除了教科书和其他印刷品,教程还包括视听盒带。The students are allowed to use textbooks to find the right answer.学生可以查看课本以找到正确答案。English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.英文课本和词典哪里都有卖。The harmful effects of caffeine had long been documented in textbooks.咖啡因的有害作用早已见诸教科书。The pupils just copy from textbooks and learn facts.这些学生只是照搬课本,记住些细节而已。This condition is not mentioned in standard medical textbooks.这种情况在权威的医学课本里没有提及。Kids have to tote heavy textbooks around.孩子们不得不随身携带沉重的课本。As history textbooks go, this one is pretty good.正如历史教科书一样,这本书非常好。These textbooks tend to sin by omission rather than admission.这类课本往往失之于过简而不是过繁。The state provides textbooks for the less fortunate students.该州为没那么幸运的学生们提供教材。There were no textbooks, so the teachers had to start from scratch.没有课本,因此教师们只得从零开始。The school's textbooks are woefully out of date.那家学校使用的课本太过时了。Do you consider these textbooks essential for the course?你认为这个课程必须采用这些教科书吗?We're copying from textbooks because we don't have enough to go round.我们在抄课本,因为课本不够。She'd doodled all over her textbooks.她在课本上到处随手乱画。Most economics textbooks skip over the subject of investing and financial markets.大多数经济学教科书中都略去了投资及金融市场这一课题。She spends her evenings poring over textbooks.她每天晚上都在研读课本。A litter of notes, papers, and textbooks were strewn on the desk.一堆笔记、考卷、课本乱七八糟地摊在桌子上。This publishing firm is planning a new series of school textbooks.这家出版公司正打算出一套新的系列教材。These textbooks are not up to date.这些教材不是最新的。He put his textbooks on the table by the window.他把课本放在窗边的桌上。The students highlighted important vocabulary words in their textbooks.学生们用荧光笔标出课本上的重要单词。




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