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词汇 tactics
例句 They accused the government of using strong-arm tactics to silence its opponents.他们指控政府用强制手段压制反对者。We use a variety of tactics to make learning fun.我们运用各种策略使学习有趣起来。The peace negotiations were being held up by the delaying tactics of France and Great Britain.和平谈判正受到法英两国拖延战术的阻碍。I refuse to stoop to such bullying tactics.我拒绝下作到使用这种霸道手段。He had a sound grasp of tactics.他善于掌握策略。The coach was criticized for his negative tactics.教练由于战术消极而受到了批评。These bomb attacks represent a change of tactics by the terrorists.这些炸弹袭击事件表明恐怖分子改变了策略。Breaking meetings up and harassing party members are just some of the tactics our opponents have used.扰乱会议秩序、骚扰党员等仅仅是我们的对手所采用的一部分伎俩。He relied on Machiavellian tactics to get elected.他凭着阴险狡诈的伎俩赢得了选举。The rebel army's tactics are more than a match for the nation's military forces.叛军所采用的战术远比该国军队的战术高明。These tactics are unlikely to help you.这些手段未必能帮上你的忙。Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics.有些人指控税务稽查员使用了流氓手段。One of McCarthy's most evil tactics was to question the patriotism of his opponents.麦卡锡最恶毒的策略之一就是对反对者的爱国心表示怀疑。Supermarkets use a variety of tactics to attract and retain customers.超市利用各种手段来吸引和留住顾客。In the second half, Chelsea suddenly switched tactics.下半场切尔西队突然改变了战术。The President's tactics could backfire.总统的策略可能会事与愿违。They used scare tactics to teach their children not to smoke cigarettes.他们用吓唬的方式告诫孩子不要吸烟。The police tactics were roundly condemned by protest organizers.警察的手法受到了示威组织者的严厉谴责。The governor's tactics involved accusing his opponent of being too liberal.州长的策略包括指责对手过于倾向自由主义。Over the years he sparred with his friend Jesse Jackson over political tactics.这些年以来,他一直跟他的朋友杰西·杰克逊为政治手腕的问题争论不休。A clear split over tactics appears to be emerging between doves and hawks in the party.党内鸽派和鹰派在策略上似乎将要出现明显的分歧。Longer races demand different tactics.较长距离的速度竞赛需要采取不同的战术。His shock tactics certainly made her sit up and take notice.他的震撼策略当然引起了她的关注。His opportunity to re-establish himself had been nobbled by the manager's tactics.他重新树立自己地位的机会因教练的战术而流产了。His scare tactics did not work.他的恐吓战术没有奏效。Children are adept at delaying tactics.孩子们很会磨蹭。His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.他的策略是使反对派陷入错综复杂的议会程序之中。Our previous tactics got us nowhere, which is why we had to change them.我们之前的战术一点用都没有,所以我们不得不改变战术。They accused the prime minister of using sledgehammer tactics.他们谴责首相大动干戈。The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。His strong-arm tactics paid off.他的强制手段效果很好。Salesmen use all sorts of clever tactics to persuade people to buy from them.销售人员利用各种聪明的手段说服人们购买。They were desperate enough to try shock tactics.他们不顾一切要采用震惊战术。The report suggested that there were severe shortcomings in police tactics.报告中暗示警方的策略存在严重的不足。They used pressure tactics to force them to return, including cutting food and water supplies.他们采用施加压力的策略迫使他们回来,包括切断食物和水的供应。The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.警方目前即将采取的策略明显很强硬。Though legal, the tactics were questionable.这些策略尽管合法,却遭到了质疑。Haig was limited by his blinkered approach to strategy and tactics.海格被自己那一套保守的战略战术所束缚。Different circumstances call for different tactics.不同的情势需要不同的策略。Police resorted to strong-arm tactics to break up the protest.警方采取强制手段驱散抗议人群。




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