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词汇 imported
例句 I refuse to buy imported organic goods on principle.我有自己的原则,不买进口有机商品。Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.廉价的进口商品充斥着市场。This rule was used to stem the tide of imported videos.制定本规定是为了遏制进口录像带的增长。Farmers complained of unfair competition from cheap imported food.农民抱怨廉价进口食品的不公平竞争。It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles.这是日本制造商初次占据进口车排行的首位。A certain amount of liquor can be imported duty-free.可以免税进口一定量的酒。The cheese is imported and distributed exclusively by Norland Inc.该奶酪由诺兰有限公司独家进口及销售。Migrant workers are imported by contract as stoop labor in the beet fields.来自外国的移民工人根据合同入境,从事甜菜地里的弯腰劳动。The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal.全国矿工工会向该政党施压,要求其同意全面禁止煤炭进口。Most of the region's building timber is imported from the south.该地区的建筑木材大多从南方输入。All the raw materials are imported.所有原料都是进口的。A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税。The new law limits the number of foreign cars that can be imported.这条新的法规限制了外国汽车的进口数量。Luxury flowers are imported from Holland.名贵的花是从荷兰进口的。The high taxes on imported goods are intended to protect domestic producers.对进口商品实行高税收旨在保护国内生产厂商。How does their product stack up against those imported from foreign countries?他们的产品与从外国进口的产品相比如何? All the meat is imported from France.所有的肉都从法国进口。Sugar is imported in bulk from the mainland.糖是从大陆大量进口的。Whatever advantage the domestic has in price is offset by the imported's snob appeal.国产货无论价格怎么便宜也敌不过进口货对势利顾客的吸引。The markets abound with imported goods.市场上进口商品充足。Cheap imported goods are ruining many businesses.廉价的进口商品使众多公司正走向破产。Home-made parts are being substituted for imported ones.国产零件取代进口零件。Even the smallest piece of machinery is imported.甚至连最小的机器也是进口的。When examining imported foods, the government goes by the standards of CODEX.在检验进口食品时,政府依据的是食品法典委员会的标准。The store sells imported goods bearing high prices.这家商店出售价格不菲的进口商品。These clothes are made of imported fabrics.这些衣服用进口布料制成。Her words imported a change of attitude.她的话表明态度的转变。The US comedy format was gradually imported to UK screens.这种美国喜剧模式逐渐引入英国银幕。Not so long ago, imported television programmes, like foreign fruit, were exciting exotica in Britain.不久之前,引进的电视节目还像进口水果一样,是令英国人激动的新鲜事物。They stocked the shelves in the store with a variety of imported foods.他们在商店的架子上摆满了各种进口食品。The cane baskets were imported from China.竹篮子是从中国进口的。The price of food has risen and imported goods are scarce.食物价格上涨,进口商品紧缺。These dogs are illegally imported into the country.这些狗是被非法进口到这个国家的。The unusual designs were probably imported from Iran.这非同寻常的设计可能来自伊朗。The figures are automatically imported into a spreadsheet.这些数字自动导入电子表格。When a new fruit is first imported, its name is usually also imported as a loan word.引进一种新水果时,它的名字通常也会作为外来词同时引进。The store's croissants are imported directly from France.这家商店的羊角面包是直接从法国进口的。The recipe uses a large amount of pepper, and not just any pepper, but a special blend imported from India.这个菜谱要用很多胡椒,不是随便哪种都行,而是印度进口的特混胡椒。Farmers are calling for a boycott of all imported meat.农民要求抵制所有进口肉食。Customs duties are paid on imported goods.进口货物要付关税。




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