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例句 We issued a questionnaire to find out which people were most likely to buy electronic dictionaries.我们发出了调查表,以确定哪些人有可能买电子词典。The hospital issued press releases hourly.医院每小时发布一次新闻稿。The announcement was made in a communiqué issued by the Defence Minister.这项通告发布在国防部长发表的公报中。The kidnappers issued a series of confusing demands.绑架者提出了一连串含糊不清的要求。Blankets and warm clothes will be issued to those who need them.毛毯和暖和的衣服将分发给需要的人。The police have issued numerous tickets for speeding in recent days.最近几天警方开出了大量超速罚单。The visitors were issued with day passes.访客都获发了一日有效的通行证。The presidents issued a strongly-worded statement in support of the government.诸位总统联合发表了一份措辞鲜明的声明来支持该政府。Recently the company issued a denial of the story.最近该公司声明否认此事。The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已经坚决否认参与其中。The government had issued an early warning, which most people had ignored.政府已经发布了预警,但大多数人还是置若罔闻。A detailed list of instructions was issued on what to do in an emergency.关于应对紧急情况的详细指示表已经发布了。Officers must fill out a questionnaire each time a motorist is stopped, regardless of whether a citation is issued.警察每拦下一名驾驶员,不管是否予以传讯,都必须填写一份调查表。The court issued a restraining order against Pearson.法院发出了对皮尔逊的限制令。The town issued hunting licenses in order to cull the deer population.为了控制鹿的数量,小镇发放了狩猎许可证。The company has issued warning notices saying that all water should be boiled.公司已发出警告:所有的水必须烧开。The judge issued a writ of habeas corpus.法官签发了人身保护令状。Acrid black smoke issued from the burning factory.那座着火的工厂散发出呛人的黑色烟雾。He issued a terse statement.他发表了一份简短生硬的声明。Limousines issued forth from the hotel.豪华轿车一辆辆从饭店开出来。He issued a series of crisp commands.他干脆利落地下了一连串的命令。He issued an announcement to scotch rumours of his death.他发表了一项声明来驳斥有关他已经死亡的谣言。A steady flow of lava issued from a crack in the rock.岩浆从岩缝中源源流出。The Department of Defense has issued instructions that no one should enter the area without permission.国防部已经发出指示,未经许可谁也不得进入该地区。A moan issued from the womb of the cave.从那洞穴深处传出一声呜咽。Their employers issued an ultimatum demanding an immediate return to work.他们的雇主发出最后通牒,要求他们立刻复工。Police in Britain are not usually issued with guns.英国的警察通常不配给枪。They issued an ultimatum to the police.他们向警方发出了最后通牒。When you join the society, you will be issued a membership card.你加入该协会之后就会发给你一张会员卡。Few senior figures have issued any public statements, but privately the resignation's been welcomed.几乎没有高管发表公开声明,但私下里辞职是可以接受的。The judge issued his ruling with a grave expression.法官神情严肃地宣布了判决结果。Pakistan has still not issued an official rebuttal to the latest Indian statements.巴基斯坦仍然没有对最近印度发表的声明进行官方驳斥。A further statement will be issued only when the investigation has been concluded.只有在调查结束时才会发布进一步的声明。The new guidelines have been issued to all doctors.已经向全体医生发布了新的指导方针。The book was issued in God's plenty.这部书的发行数量很大。The president issued a decree prohibiting trade unions.总统颁布了禁止成立工会的命令。Woods issued a statement through his agent.伍兹通过他的经纪人发表了一份声明。The weather service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning.气象局已经发布了严重的雷暴预警。The governor issued a statement of condolence to the victims' families.州长向受害人家属致以慰唁。We invest in US Treasury bills, notes, bonds, and other obligations issued by the US Treasury.我们投资美国短期国库券、期票、公债和由美国财政部发行的其他债券。




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