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例句 I do not imply that you are wrong.我的意思不是说你错了。Tremain's novel is altogether jauntier, more various and energetic than these quotations imply.与这些引文给人的印象相比,特里曼的小说总的来说更加充满自信、富于变化,也更有活力。The results imply that the disease originated in West Africa.结果显示这种疾病最早可能源自西非。His aims imply a good deal of energy.要达到他的目标需有充沛的精力。The way he greeted the boys seemed to imply that he knew them quite well.他和那些男孩子打招呼的方式似乎表明他和他们很熟。They claim that signature of the peace accord did not imply recognition of the state's sovereignty.他们声称和平协定的签署并不代表对该国国家主权的承认。You've got it all wrong. I never meant to imply that you were responsible.你完全误解了,我从来都没想暗示你负有责任。As the examples imply, some markets are local while others are national or international in scope.这些例子表明,从范围来看,有些市场是地方性的,有些则是全国性乃至国际性的。None of what has been said should be taken to imply criticism.刚才说的任何话都不应该视为含有批评的意味。The letter seems to imply that the president knew about the business deals.这封信似乎暗示总裁知道这几笔商业交易。This does not necessarily imply that children achieve better results in private schools.这未必意味着孩子们上私立学校就会取得更好的成绩。The doctor has stressed that her comments do not imply criticism of the study.这位博士强调她的评论并没有批评这项研究的意思。I never meant to imply any criticism.我从来没有想要批评的意思。Michael did imply that I could have the job if I wanted it.迈克尔确实暗示过,我要是想要这个工作,就可以得到。High profits do not necessarily imply efficiency.高利润并不一定意味着高效率。There is no implication that these differences imply moral error.没有人暗示说这些不同意味着不道德。I don't wish to imply that you are stupid.我不想暗示说你很笨。This financial agreement does not imply any acceptance of liability on our part.这一金融协议并不意味着我方同意承担任何责任。Cleo blushed. She had not meant to imply that he was lying.克利奥脸红了。 她不是故意暗指他在撒谎的。When women started working in offices, they opted for severity in dress in order to imply sobriety.女性开始在办公室上班后,就会选择朴素而简洁的着装,以看上去持重冷静。Rights imply duties.权利必然包含义务。He stressed that the meeting did not imply a resumption of contacts with the terrorists.他强调说这次会议并不意味着与恐怖分子恢复接触。This statement should not be taken to imply that the government is exonerated of all blame.不应认为这一陈述暗示政府可以免受指责。




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