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词汇 impartiality
例句 The judge's impartiality in this case might reasonably be questioned.对本案法官的公正提出质疑也许是合理的。The newspaper sought to present a range of opinions without compromising its impartiality.这家报纸力图在无损其公正原则的前提下呈现各种各样的观点。Lack of impartiality is considered a cardinal sin in broadcasting circles.缺乏公正被视为广播界的大忌。The judges show impartiality and detachment.这些法官表现得不偏不倚,冷静客观。The BBC must ensure that due impartiality is preserved in its news programmes.英国广播公司必须确保其新闻节目保持应有的公正。The justice system lacks impartiality, by democratic standards.以民主的标准来看,司法体系缺乏公正性。Perhaps he misconstrued my silence as impartiality.也许他把我的沉默误解为不偏不倚了。He had every qualification for the jobexcept impartiality.除了不偏不倚这一点以外,他具备担任那项工作的一切资格。The Red Cross is an organization of impartiality, neutrality, and humanity.红十字会是一个公正、中立和人道的组织。After the trial, people questioned the impartiality of the jury.审判结束后,人们对陪审团的公正性提出了质疑。




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