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词汇 immigration
例句 The book presents a panorama of immigration in America.这本书展现了美国移民的全貌。At the convention Ford spoke on immigration and social issues.福特在大会上就移民问题和社会问题作了演讲。She was on pins and needles, awaiting word from immigration officials.她如坐针毡,焦急等待着移民官员的消息。The government has taken a firm line on illegal immigration.政府已对非法移民采取强硬政策。The immigration of 1956 included many people from Hungary.一九五六年入境的移民中有许多匈牙利人。Top on his list was immigration reform.移民改革是他优先考虑的事项。He gave forth on the subject of immigration.他脱口谈起了移民问题。We'll have to sort your immigration status out before we can offer you a job.我们得先解决你的移民身份问题,然后才能为你提供工作。The capital, Nairobi, is choking on uncontrolled immigration.无限制的移民让首都内罗毕人满为患。I think we need to discourage illegal immigration.我认为我们应该阻止非法移民入境。The immigration debate has roiled the country for more than a year.有关移民的辩论让国家一年多都没能正常运转。He called for much stricter curbs on immigration.他呼吁对移民采取更严格的限制措施。The immigration service is concerned about a thriving black market in phoney ID cards and working permits.移民局担心黑市伪造身份证和工作许可证的生意越来越畅旺。There is an urgent need for a review of current immigration law.现有的移民法急需检讨。Hughes believes that immigration controls should not be relaxed.休斯认为不应放宽移民管制。The immigration department is taking a lot of political flak for not moving faster to help the refugees.移民部门因帮助难民不力而受到大量的政治抨击。In these circumstances immigration is open-ended.在这种情况下,移民是无限制的。UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致。He found himself in hot water over his comments about immigration.他发现自己针对移民事务发表的那些言论给自己惹上了麻烦。I am also looking forward to getting more acquainted with immigration law.我也期待能对移民法有更多的了解。We all agree there have to be some controls, but the government has gone too far in ordering all immigration to be stopped.我们都同意必须有所限制,但政府下令停止所有移民入境就太过分了。With regard to the discussion about immigration, I'd like to hear Ms. Masolo's opinion.有关移民方面的讨论,我想听听马索洛女士的意见。There was a sudden increase in immigration from Europe.来自欧洲的移民人数突然增加。He called for a common European policy on immigration.他要求欧洲国家施行共同的移民政策。The partial ban on immigration has been lifted.部分移民禁令已被解除。The authorities quickly encouraged immigration.当局很快就鼓励移民了。The prime minister has adopted an inflexible position on immigration.首相在移民问题上采取了强硬的立场。The President wants stricter controls on immigration.总统想要实施更加严格的移民政策。The problems of immigration were not the question at issue.移民问题不在讨论之中。Congress is to launch an inquiry into discriminatory acts by immigration officials.国会准备对移民官员的歧视行为进行调查。He has changed his stance on immigration.他已经改变了对移民的态度。Passengers leaving the ship at Alexandria should proceed to the immigration office.在亚历山大下船的旅客必须去移民局接受检查。The immigration authorities have rejected his application for refugee status.移民当局驳回了他的难民身份申请。Europe needs large-scale immigration to sustain its ageing population.欧洲需要大规模的移民来缓解人口的老龄化。Since visiting the refugee camps, I have revised my opinion about immigration quotas.自从参观了难民营,我改变了对移民限额的看法。We landed at Heathrow and went through customs and immigration.我们在希思罗机场降落,之后办理了海关和移民入境检查手续。The leaflet plainly states what the party's position is on immigration.传单明确阐述了该党在移民问题上的立场。The government has decided to tighten its immigration policy.政府决定收紧移民政策。The law would cap legal immigration.这部法律将对合法移民加以限制。The gang operated an illegal immigration racket.这伙人从事非法移民勾当。




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